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Just a moment ago, he felt fine.

He woke up for school, got dressed in his hideous school boy outfit and was ready to start his day.

He was fine.

But now, it's like he can't breathe.

His chest is tight and he swears the room is spinning. Gasping for air, he quickly rolls the window down but it's no use.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong"?

"I can't-! I can't b-breathe".

His chest is heaving and Rose can see he's breathing just fine, but she knows for him, it's a waking nightmare. "It's okay, Baby. Hold on". Pulling into the schools parking lot, Rose parks away from prying eyes before turning to Harry with outstretched arms. "Come here baby". He reaches for her, not thinking in the moment, and is quickly pulled back by the seatbelt. He keeps reaching and reaching, frustrated and anxious, before he just completely crumbles.

"H", she starts, taking his seatbelt off for him. "What's going on, Baby? What has you all worked up like this"?

He tries to speak, but there's just no use. His throat is tightening and he just wants to breathe.

Rose is quick. She rolls up his windows before climbing into his lap. Placing both hands on either sides of his face, she blows on it softly. It makes him gasp at first, but it works in getting him to slow down.

"There you go. Take a breath".

"I don't wanna go", he finally gets out. "I don't wanna leave you".

"Harry, you're not leaving me. You're going to school. And not for that long. It's three movie lengths of time and then I'll be right back here to get you and we can go home. But you've got to try. You don't have to like it, you don't have to speak to anyone if you don't want, you just have to try. And you have your phone. If you need, go to the bathroom and call me, I'll answer and I'll get you through whatever it is that's upsetting you. Okay"?

"I just don't want to".

"I know. It's new and it's scary. Not knowing the outcome and not being in control, it's terrifying. But you've got this. You do".

Holding onto her tightly, he buries his face in her neck and breathe in her calming scent. "Please don't make me, Mommy".

"H, you have to or we'll both be in trouble. It's gonna be okay". Wiping his tears away, she kisses his face sweetly. "I packed your lunch. It's gyoza and some ramen. I also packed you my favorite snacks ever".

"What are they"?

"You've got to find out".

Pushing out a breath, he nods. "Okay".

Rose sends him a smile before climbing back into her seat. "Come on. I'll walk you in".

Though it's begrudgingly, he follows her anyway, holding onto her hand tightly.

For a moment he thinks he can do it. Really. But then he's inside and that overwhelming feeling starts flooding his entire system. Shaking his head, he starts backing up. "No, no, no. I can't". Stopping him, Rose looks into his eyes before kissing his head. "You can. Three movies, H. Just three". "No. Please don't go. Please"! "You've got this. I love you lots, sweet boy". Hugging her tightly, he locks his arms around her. "Please don't go, Mommy", he whispers.

The staff is giving them strange looks, but Rose couldn't care any less. Not about them. "H, I gotta leave. You have to let go of me". "Please don't". "Hey, it's okay. It is". Her fingers find his wrists and all he can do is beg. "Please don't. Don't do this". Pressing the nerves just below the bones in his thumbs, she feels like the most evil person to ever exist. "I love you. Try. For me". Before he can reach out for her, she backs up and quickly leaves. He goes to follow her but is stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Get the fuck off of me"! "Okay. I'm letting go". Turning, he finds himself feeling the slightest bit of guilt. "I'm sorry". "It's alright, Deary", starts the pale ginger woman. "I'm your guidance teacher, Cora. I'm supposed to show you around but we can go to my office if you want". Nodding he wipes at his face. "Yeah. Please".

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