Chapter 20- Psycho's Circus

Start from the beginning

"Ciara, do you see the house in question?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah, I see it," Ciara said back, and the sound of her walking ceased. "I'm right in front of it. I see the black SUV that Pa-tricia talked about. I'm going to see if I can find the security system ye mentioned." Akilah wasn't able to hear anything for a little bit, and she assumed that was because Ciara had stepped off of the sidewalk into the grass of Errol Alvin's yard. In a few moments, Ciara's hushed voice came through. "It's here. I can see a few cameras. I don't know if there's any inside, but they are definitely here. Can Gar-cia hack into them?"

"She's working on it now," Hotch assured, and in a moment, he said she was in. Morgan turned on the computer screen in the car, and Ciara appeared, looking into the screen. Reid leaned forward, having been stuck in the backseat. Akilah made dua, asking Allah to make sure that Ciara would make it out of this okay. "Remember, Ciara, we have a search warrant for the entire property, so go ahead and look around, they could be anywhere."

"Got it. I see a shed in the back. Do ye see it?" Ciara asked, and Hotch confirmed that he did. Akilah saw the shed, but she had a feeling that the women weren't in there. It was too small. She watched as Ciara walked over to the shed, and slowly opened the door to the shed. Amazingly, there actually was a camera inside, and Garcia switched the feed over to that. Ciara looked around the shed, which was only a tool shed. No women in there, just like Akilah had guessed. Ciara sighed, and looked at one of the walls, and froze. What she saw, Akilah wasn't sure.

"Ciara, what is it? What do you see?" Hotch asked, and Ciara squeaked out her answer.

"Power drills," Ciara squeaked, before backing out of the shed quickly, and Akilah could hear Ciara's heavy breathing over the microphone. "Don't... like... power... drills..."

"Ciara, are you afraid of power drills?" Hotch asked, and Ciara waited for a moment before answering.


"There isn't anything wrong with that. Just something good to know in the future. The women must be inside somewhere. Do you think you're okay to get in there?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah... I won't let ye down..." Ciara said, before walking up to the front door. She slowly knocked on the door, and Akilah wondered what she was doing until she remembered that the plan was for her to look like just another person. Just another person wouldn't just barge into the house. She'd knock first. A man came to the door, a man that Akilah recognized as Errol Alvin.

"Hello?" he said, and Ciara said a hello back, saying the lie that they had planned. "Ciara Byrne, you say? Will you give me one moment?" Ciara nodded, and Garcia switched through the feed on the inside cameras, following Errol. He got on the computer and started typing. In a moment, he found what he was looking for, and went back to the door. "Would you mind coming in for a moment? It won't take long." Ciara nodded and stepped inside. Everything was going according to plan. Akilah made another dua, asking Allah to keep it going correctly. Suddenly, what Ciara had planned happened. He grabbed her wrist, and she squeaked, having expected this, but still hating the contact.

"Please, can ye let go of me?" Ciara asked slowly, and Errol gripped her other wrist, getting another squeak out of Ciara.

"You are going to help me. You have to help me understand. You're coming with me," Errol said, and Ciara tried to pull away from him. Morgan and Reid said something about her acting skills, but Akilah watched Ciara trying to pull away, and she knew that Ciara wasn't acting. She really was terrified of the contact, more so than she expected. She sighed, wondering if Ciara could actually do this. Errol took Ciara to another door, one that had the merry-go-round painted on it. Akilah's eyes widened, and Errol opened the door with one hand and pushed Ciara in with the other one. Akilah saw stairs and realized it was a basement. She waited for Garcia to switch the feed to that camera. And waited. And waited.

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