"It definitely was! You should have seen your face!" he replied through chuckles. He wasn't so quick to laugh when my elbow jabbed him in the ribs.

Grumbling about him not knowing how to compliment, I walked back to the rail where I'd found the blue jumpers and picked one up, holding it against him.

"Blue?" Scorpius asked.

"Don't tell me - you could never dress like..."

"Professor Lofting?" he suggested, pulling out the midnight blue robes and witches hat our Transfiguration teacher always wore.

I snorted and hung the jumper back on the rail. "So no blue?"

"No...blue's fine, just perhaps a different shade...I thought I saw some dress robes over there," Scorpius mumbled, pointing behind him at the back room. "Do you think you could take a look for me while I get a coat?"

"Sure," I answered, already moving off.

At the door to the back room, I was met by the shop assistant, Mr Mellony (who, yes, always wore yellow), who promptly asked whether I wanted any help. "This teal color would look fabulous with your hair," he said.

"Oh, well that's nice and all...but I'm actually looking for something for my friend..."

"Ah, the young man out there is your boyfriend. Well, perhaps something to match then - you would both look marvellous in silver," he continued, oblivious to my protests that Scorpius wasn't my boyfriend.


"-Well, if not silver, then it had better be this warm purple-"

"No, you don't understand, Mr Mellony-" I tried again.

"My, my, what a tricky customer...no silver, no purple...how about..."

"Mr Mellony-" I was cut off once more, but this time it wasn't the shop assistant. Rather it was Scorpius, who had already paid for his coat and was wearing it under his zipped up leather jacket, leaning against the door frame.

"Something traditional?" he suggested.

"Traditional? Why would anyone want traditional?" Mr Mellony demanded, completely flabbergasted. "Traditional is the most utterly boring idea on the planet!"

"Mr Mellony," Scorpius began, "I'm going to let you in on a secret." He paused, took a deep breath and blurted, "My grandfather is Lucius Malfoy...now do you see why I need traditional style dress robes?"

With wide eyes and a small voice, Mr Mellony replied, "Of course, sir. Right this way, allow me to show you some definitive black silk cuts or perhaps a dark grey to go with your eyes."

"I'm sure either of this will be fine."

As he passed Scorpius rolled his eyes at me, but the situation wasn't really that funny.

I was left to wait as Scorpius tried on the first set of dress robes. It was quite sudden when the curtain was flung back and Scorpius walked out dressed in smart grey dress robes - the edges of his lapels made of shiny material - and a slim tie.

"What do you think?" he asked nervously.

"Perfect," I replied, trying to keep my voice level. Truth be told, I was having trouble keeping my heart from not going a million beats per minute.

"You're sure? You don't think I should try on the black?"

I shook my head, certain that the grey dress robes would melt my heart. "No, the grey's fine. I'm sure your mother would prefer the grey, don't you think?"

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