She dressed the part well.

Her eyes trained onto Mr. Powers as she spoke after a moment of silence, "Men, so fragile. So, wrapped up in themselves to comprehend that it is themselves that are at fault. Pathetic. A real man would own up to the fact that he knows his woman isn't satisfied."

"Isn't satisfied," he bellowed, "I leave her unconscious until the next morning."

"Tsk, tsk. You still don't understand. Satisfaction leads to supplicating, not a nap. Your dick is limp because your pride has minimalized, hasn't it? She doesn't moan like she did in the beginning, doesn't leave marks on your back," her next declarations resonated back to her clandestine lover.

"A real man revels in his woman. Her body becomes his temple, which he respects to the highest extent. He'll suck every part of her skin until his salivated kisses have made her come undone, not even able to please her to the fullest degree. No, he's too patient to give all of himself to her in one go. He's calculated, even when he believes she's coerced him into giving her pleasure. He fucks her like she owns him, oh so willing. When they've finished, he's on his knees between her slick thighs, sucking her skin as he begs for more. You have failed to lionize what's yours."

Her speech left everyone still in their seats as they took in her message of women being the temple to a man's desires. Mr. Powers cheeks flushed a light crimson at the example of him begging for just one last taste of her before she went to her dorms for the night.

She was right, he worshipped her.

Clearing the thick tension, he cleared his throat in hopes to center everyone's attention. "Thank you for your participation, what kind of candy would like? Sweet, sour, chocolate. I got it all."

"I'll take something sour," the man said in a gruff manner that was still directed towards the minx in red. His glare hadn't let up even when their professor chucked a couple green apple Jolly Ranchers his way.

Her small smirk hadn't gone unnoticed as she spoke, "You wouldn't happen to have a Reese's peanut butter cup in there would you, Mr. Powers?"

She already knew he stocked up on her favorite candy after they played twenty-one questions after a whole night of fucking in his house. "As a matter of fact, I do."

The rest of the class became somewhat monotonous compared to the initial subject, with people talking about their work problems of not getting enough money to pay bills even with what is supposed to be minimum wage, or the fact that they are expected to be a full-time student, part-time worker, and still have enough energy to socialize. Dull conversation blanketed the oversized classroom until a girl that sat in the front of class gave the last conversation for the evening.

Her voice rang almost above a whisper, "Well, we just finished learning about Aristotle in my government class, and an interesting issue for me was his discussion on the Doctrine of The Mean. Basically, finding the balance between your vices of excess and denial by taking control of your animal side and rationale side. I just wanted to know if you ever had to find harmony amid your depravities, professor."

Mr. Powers blew out a huff of contemplation, thinking about the evils he has either surfeited or deprived himself of - both coming back to the beautiful women in the left with one leg perched over the other, awaiting his answer.

Before he gave an answer, he took the bowl of candy from the podium and gave it to her so she could take her pick of the remnants.

"I currently struggle between the two. Most recent has been continuing relations with a woman that has the potential to mentally break me," he exhaled, hoping that no one would ask him to elaborate.

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