"So this guy Peter Hug was a suspect in the disappearance of a little girl called Bella Gold. The neighbours said they heard Bella screaming at night cause she got some items she didn't like. They also said they saw Peter lurking around Bella's house. The police brought him in but they had to drop the charges because the evidence wasn't tight enough."

"Sounds like bull to me."

"Says here, they found the little girl's body five days after Peter was released, chopped up near the Blue walk River down Old May Road."

"We need to find this Peter, man. Does it say where he is now in the paper?" I asked. Matt shook his head.

"No, but it does say something Johnson Higs. The guy claimed he saw the little girl get killed and he apparently knows how the magician is," Matt said while he read the paper, "The townspeople thought Johnson was crazy and he moved to Old May."

"What are you kids doing?" an annoying voice spoke from behind us. Matt and I both jumped in fear. A scowl forms on my face in the face I'm met with.

Bates Starr a true definition of a waste of space. He had a beautiful young lady with him, his hand wrapped around her waist tightly. Probably one of his many mistresses. Couldn't understand what the saw in him. Bates Starr is a chubby, pasty, bitter old man. About five bodyguards surrounded him, he needed the protection because so many townspeople hated him.

"It's nice to see you again Mr Starr," Matthew greeted politely. He nudges my side urging me to do the same.

I reluctantly smiled at Bates and stretched my hand out towards him hoping he'd wouldn't ask any more questions, "Good afternoon Mayor." He took my hand and shook it looking sceptical at my sudden good behaviour.

"Good afternoon Ms Smith, I'll ask again what are you two doing?" My mouth went dry I couldn't think of an answer to his question.

"We're just doing some research," Matt said calmly. I glared daggers at him silently telling him to shut up. The mayor opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by one of his bodyguards. The serious looking man leaned closer to him and whispers something in Bates' ear that makes the blood in his face drain. 

He left the library without another word with his mistress and bodyguards. I stood from the chair and followed him ignoring the look Matt is giving me. I reach outside and hide behind a car next to the mayor's Jeep. I hear the words it's coming and think of the nightmare I had in the hospital.

Bates catches me watching and glares at me, he gets into his car closing it with a loud bang. The jeep speeds off leaving me with many questions. Matt comes out of the library a few moments later with some stuff in my bag.

"Where are we going now?" he questioned.

"To meet Mr Higs," I said determination clear in my voice.

"Did you bring your car?" I asked, Matt, nodded and gestured for me to follow him. We got to the car and dashed off.


By the time we got to Old May Road is was about 6 pm. Matt and I went around asking were Mr Higs lived, no one replied they all gave the same lie, 'we don't know'. They seemed scared to tell us, made me wonder what is going on in Bellsville.

Finally, we reached a house close to the river where Bella's body was found and figured it had to be his. We are currently standing at the doorstep of the old cabin, knocking for like the twentieth time. Matt looks at me with tired eyes, he'd given up after the fourth knock.

I shook my head and continued knocking. We finally heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. An old rugged man opens the door. His grey beard reached his chest, his eyes were old shot red. He's about five foot four.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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