Friday, January 19 Cont'd

Start from the beginning

I had an aunt and two uncles. The words were foreign to me. The only aunt and uncle I ever knew was Tracy's sister and brother-in-law that we never saw. I could count the number of times on my hand.

"Have you told them about us?" I asked.

"Not yet. I didn't want to bombard you with family. I haven't even told my parents yet. As soon as they find out you guys exist they're going to be on the next plane to Michigan." He said.

I felt my heart swell in my chest. Levi and I had family, more family. A big family. It wasn't just Levi and I and our parents anymore. We had aunts and uncles and at least six cousins that I knew of.

"So are you, a what, junior? In school? My oldest Laney is a senior and then my Irish twins, Max and Dustin are both sophomores. And then your other cousin, Sammie's boy, Henry is a freshman." He explained.

"I'm a junior. How many cousins are there?" I asked, I'm sure I had a look of shock on my face because Craig laughed.

"A lot, let's see. I've got 3 from my first marriage, two step kids from Heidi and then we have one together, Sammie has one, and Charley had twin boys. So that's what 9 plus you two." He rattled off. I smiled when he included Levi and me. "So why aren't you in school? Are you guys on a break?"

"Uh... Well." I started. "Um. I'm currently in the hospital."

What did I have to lose?

"Are you okay!?" Craig asked, his eyes wide and concern in his voice.

I smiled. How could someone you only knew a couple days and technically never met seem to care so much?

"Yeah I am. Well now. I'm getting better I mean." I stammered unsure of how to explain. I let out a breath trying to collect my thoughts. "I have leukemia or well I had. I guess. I'm getting better. I had a transplant right before Christmas. And so well I'm still recovering in the hospital but I might get to go home soon."

"Oh god. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that." He said. "But you look great. I never would have thought."

"Thanks. I'm getting there." I said. "Would you mind actually if I put my oxygen back in for a little?"

"Are you kidding? You don't have to ask that. Of course, do what you need." He said.

I took a second to lace the tube around my ears and position it in my nose. I was slowly able to spend more and more time without it but the excitement and nerves from talking to Craig had my chest a little tight and my breathing a little shallow.

"Better?" He asked once I looked at my phone screen again.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Good." He smiled, I was realizing he was quick to offer a smile often. "I'm glad we got to do this."

I already felt like I had known Craig longer than two days. He felt more like family than Jennifer had.

"Me too."



"I'll be back in a few." I told Emma.

I planted a kiss on her forehead, leaving her in the waiting room. I reached Maci's door in no time. Driven by hurt and anger and a list of other emotions. I didn't bother knocking as I shoved my way through the door.

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