Louis: have you checked when the movie starts?

Chuck: there are two options. 7:45 and 9:00. When do you want to go?

Louis: 7:45 is great. Meet you there :].

Chuck: great! Bye :).

Louis hailed a cab, as soon as he left the house. He felt good because he was on time since he didn't want to leave Chuck waiting for him. It wouldn't be fair to him since he was the one to invite Louis. The jean jacket he was wearing helped him fight the chilly evening.

He got out the cab and handed the driver 20£, leaving the change. He put his hands in his pockets and walked in front of the cinema. As soon as he got closer to the front door he saw Chuck already there smiling at him.

He seemed to have had the same thought wearing a jean jacket, a white shirt underneath with black jeans and white sneakers. Chuck looked good.

When Louis went to shake his hand, Chuck shook his head jokingly in disapproval and gave him a half hug with his right arm.

"Good evening. How was your day?" The pub owner asked him stepping out of the hug.

"Good, thanks. I'm a bit tired because we have an important meeting after tomorrow, so I'm doing everything I can to leave a good impression." Louis smiled pressing his lips.

"Important meeting?" Chuck asked raising his brow and motioning with his hand to go in.

"Very. Hope everything goes well." Louis sighed walking in front of Chuck.

Chuck gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure it will. Clear your mind. It helps, the longer you think about the meeting, the more you're gonna stress about it."

"I'm gonna try," Louis answered and started walking to the queue of people for the tickets when Chuck's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"I already got them," The pub owner beamed at him, getting the tickets out of his pocket and showing them to Louis. "Let's get something to eat."

Louis smiled. "Since you paid for the tix, I'm going to buy the food." he winked and started walking again.

"But I invited you, so let me get it," Chuck said, but Louis shook his head in disapproval. "You forget that this isn't a date Chucky. Besides, two popcorn's and two cokes, won't do that much damage to my wallet."

The pub owner chuckled. "Ooh, cocky much?"

Louis turned to him smiling then put his index finger with his thumb close, "A little."

After getting their food, Chuck and Louis stood in the lobby, waiting for the movie to start.

"Ugh, I hope there aren't going to be a lot of trailers. They tend to like start the movie a half an hour late." Louis pursed his lips as they started entering their designated hall.

Chuck hummed in approval. "The cinema is packed though. I didn't think there would be these many people," he said looking around the hall for their seats. Louis nodded and then Chuck pointed to the seats when he found them. Luckily they weren't in the front rows.

The pair made small talk and ate half of their popcorn until the movie started. Louis hadn't seen the first one, but Chuck had been patiently explaining the overall plot to him.

They joked about the scenes with the gun shooting, whispering about how in movies the bullets never seemed to end, and the way they were fighting without ever feeling tired.

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