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I walked closer to the body. As was told before, its wasn't Spiker. It was my own body.

I saw as Spiker ran to me. No tears or anything in his eyes. Ray ran and hit him out cold. I saw him as he reached for me body. 

''Call the damn hospital!'' he yelled. He held my body as he cried. I watched as tears came down his face. Reporters and people ran from all over. 

Yes, I believe in ghost. Yes, I think I was one. 

A light came from the sky. I looked around, no one else saw it. A figure came from it. I began to see the face. It made its self more clear for me. 

''Dad?'' I questioned the figure.

'' My child Is this what you want?'' he questioned me back.

''What do you mean?'' I asked him

''Do you wish to return home, with me, to your heavenly home? You always questioned why you were the only one living in that picture. You even tried to join us through  gunshots, but I stoped the gun. Now nature has taken it course. Do you wish to come back with us?'' He explained it to me. I was dead... Or was I?

I looked at Ray. All the pain that my death was doing to him. How would my mother react? 

''Is there a way I can go back?'' I asked scared. 

''Mother Nature and Father time will do their couse'' he said before he went away. 

I watched as they took my body to the hospital. Being a ghost, I got in the car with them. I looked down at my lifeless body.

I was plugged up to many things.... Well, my body was plugged up. Ray's eyes were red. He wouldn't stop the tears the whole way there.

When we got there, the rest of MB hugged him. He wasn't allowed to go in my room. As much as I wanted to comfort Ray, I was currently dead. I followed the Doctors to my room and watched as the tried to bring me back.

They used those shock thinggys that they use on TV. I watched as one doctor rubbed them together and placed them on me. My body jumped halfway off the table. 

The doctors mumbled something and they tried again.

''CLEAR'' one yelled.

''TRY AGAIN" yelled another.

One doctor ran out screaming ''She was my Idol''. I heard some more talkings about the ''lie'' and how I did not deserve to die.

I then heard my fathers voice.'' Mother Nature and Father Time will run its course.''

I heard  the doctors mumblr a few more words and walked out of the room. I went over to view my body. I tried to touch my face, but my ghostlike hands only went through. If they healed me, why was I still in a ghost format? I began to walk out the room to see if others could see me. I walked past many people, non noticed.

I saw one doctore talking to ran. Wait... that was one of the people who were in the room with my body. I walked over and listened to their conversation. Screams went throughout all of the people in the room. 

Reporters ran inside to feast on the story.  

''She can't be dead she can't!'' Ray yelled through the whole hospital. 

''Ray. Ray. Calm down. Its ok. She is in a better place'' Prodigy told him. All of the boys did a group hug.

I was really dead.

Colors of the Wind A Mindless Behavior Story      *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now