Simon's neice: Chapter 3

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Okay so I'm gonna start by sayin soz it's been a while since I last updated, ive had Alot going on, I've lost to members of my family and also my sister in law went into labour last night so it's been a bit hectic but I hope u guys are still reading and I promise to update quicker xx



"What the actual fuck Simon." I called back to him with anger.

"Urm well you see Cara I'm the boys manager and well they needed a place to stay where they could work together so I let them move in here." Simon answered awkwardly.

"sorry if I sound stuck up but why aren't you fangirling right now?" the one with curly hair asked.

"Aren't you a fan?" The one with a dark brown/black quiff said.

"You mean that you seriously aren't a fan?" the blonde one with an Irish accent said.

"Never fear super man is here and I shall change you into a fan in just one jiffy!" said a guy wearing a striped top and braces whilst hitting me on the head with a carrot.

"Guys, Guys give her some space." said the one wearing a plaid top.

"Thanks guy wearing a plaid top,

And curly I'm not screaming because I don't like one direction,

Quiff guy no I'm not a fan

Irish blondie person yes I'm serious I'm not a fan but I do like your accent

And stripy top, braces guy would you like me to drive you to the nearest mental hospital?"

I answered and they all looked at me like I was mental.

"By the way you don't have to name us by what we look like." said the quiff one, I think his name was zayn or something like that?

"I know but I just don't want to know your names!" I sassed back like the sass master I am.

"Oh no honey you can't be the sass master because mr. Louis Tomlinson right here is!" sassed the one who I'm guessing is called Louis sassed me.

"Don't hate me cause you ain't me!" I sassed back then walked up to my room I all ready knew where it was from the last time I stayed here the room was massive but all it contained was one single bed on the far side and what looks like an en-suite and walk in wardrobe. I walked over to my bed an there was a note on it

Dear Cara

Sorry about the room being so big but boring but we can go shopping for some new tomorrow also thee is a lot of passes to hidden rooms all around your room I've forgot where they all are but you can find them and decorate them as your own.

Love Simon x

I walked around my room

It was a sort of right angle shape so it had a corner I could walk around.

When I walked round the corner thee were a few cabinets.

I could imagine this being a sofa area with a Tv and stuff like that and then the other corner being more like my bedroom.

I moved one of the cabinets to make more space when I saw a door, I opened it slowly to find a well lit cream room with a well lit hallway.

Being the nosy biatch I am, I opened started walking into the passage way thing but then turned round and pulled the cabinet over the doorway so no one knew where it was.

I walked down the little steps to get into the room and took a look around, it was quite big and there was a brown sofa with a huge tv and stereo.

I walked down the hall way and there was another door I opened it to see another bathroom. hmm that's good it means that when I'm down here and need the loo as English people say, I won't have to go upstairs.

I walked back into the main room and saw another door by the steps.

I opened it and it led to a well lit stair case, I walked down that and then came to another room with a lush sofa. I sat on the sofa then heard muffled voices coming from above me so I looked and through the cracks in the floor boards I could see the boys.

"Guys I'm going out for a while ill be back by ten tonight okay." Simon told the boys.

"Yep that's fine should we tell Cara if she aimed down?" said the one I think was called Liam.

"Yes Liam please do, right bye"

I heard them say goodbye then I looked at my watch.

"Seriously?" I muttered quietly to my self "it's only 11:30 a.m now?"

"Is it just me or is Cara totally HOT!" the curly one said.

"Hell yeah she is I'd 'do' her any day" said I think Zayn.

"Zayn mate I think we all would." said the Irish one.

"Yeah okay she is seriously hot but me and Liam are gonna stay Loyal to our girlfriends."

"Yeah that's right said the one who I'm guessing is Liam."

"Just imagine her in a bikini though." said the curly haired one.

"Mate I won't be surprised if you get hard with the things your imagining" Zayn said.

Then I had an idea.

-------------------------------ohh so I hope some one is still reding this and in gonna update quicker please just comment on it and let me know some ones still reading thanks xx

Simon's niece (One direction fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora