Simons niece : chapter four

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Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't been updating but this time I promise to update quicker also leave in the comments who you would prefer Cara to go out with. Hope you enjoy!!



I ran back up to my room and closed the little door behind me, then pushed the cabinet over the door again.

I opened my one of my suitcases as found my black strapless bikini set I got changed into that and left the back of the bikini undone.

I may have forgot to mention but I am a very some what crude person!

I slipped on my gold strappy sandels and walked down the stairs to the front room where the boys were.

"Hey guys could one of you do up my bikini I wanted to go for a swim."

"I'll do it!" the curly one yelled.

He came over and brushed his hand across my back and neck.

"You seem tense, maybe I should give you a massage later?" he said trying to be seductive.

"In your dreams!" I giggled back.

"Probably is in harry's dreams." said the Irish one and the others laughed.

"Shut up!" Harry groaned at the others after he had finished doing my bikini up.

"Thanks Harry and babe don't groan moaning is much more attractive!" I said while winking.

" Well bye guys feel free to come join me." I called out whilst walking to the pool.


"hazza mate, stop staring your gonna creep her out." Louis smirked

"I wasn't staring, I was glancing to make sure she didn't drown."I answered

"Yeah coarse you were just admit it Harry, you have actually fell for a girl!" Niall sniggered

"What no, I jus.. , bu.. , "I let out a short sigh" I just don't understand why she isn't falling at my feet. most girls would give anything for a massage from me HARRY STYLES! but she's different, a good sort of different."

"Wow Harry your whipped and you ain't even going out with her yet." Zayn joked.

"Whatever I'm getting some shorts on and going in the pool any-one else wanna come?" I asked

I heard replays like yeah and see you there as I turned to go up the stairs and to my room that was right next to Cara's.

Both of our bedrooms had window facing the pool.

I could see Cara sunbathing on one of the sun chairs.

I quickly got changed into some swimming trunks and walked onto my balcony which also looked over the pool.

"Hey Cara" I shouted down to her

She sat up and I saw her gawk at my impressive eight pack but she quickly regained her self.

The boys all walked out the house In trunks as well.

"Like what you see?!" I yelled to her.

"Yeah but it would be better without those shorts on!" she shouted back.

I heard a chorus of oooh's from the boys.

Then Louis shouted "damn that girls got nearly as much sass as me and cheekiness as Harry!"

"That is NOT a good mix" Liam stated

"I know but it's gonna be hella funny" zayn added

"Harry mate you just got whopped by a girl!" Niall shouted up to me.

Oh god, he's right she just manipulated me, not the other way round! time to step up my game!

Simon's niece (One direction fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora