Chapter Sixty-Three

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Dad and I took a while to calm her cries down, and with every body-racking sob that escapes her; it makes me wonder if that witch did anything for us to be seperated from her. My other side let out a growl of anger and tried fighting for control. But with one swat from me, he's back in the back of my mind.

When she finally calmed down, she nodded at Dad who nodded back at her like they're sharing a secret that they wouldn't let me know.

"Zach...when we consulted the witch about your condition, she said that it depends with the amount of control you have in your body and your trigger. I have told her about what you're going through and she confirmed that the last dominants who have turned to the half-dead zone had the same situation. When your father told her about his observation that you miss Lex so bad that has your other side having more strength to fight, we concluded that Lex is your trigger. The only solution we can come up with is any chance, get her out of your head. Be distracted if you have to, just don't think about her. Because the more you think about her, the more you miss her, and the more you miss her, the more your other side will get stronger to fight you for control"

Ever since mom told me about her visit with the witch, I became more strong-willed in keeping my distance from Lex. It gave me enough reasoning to stay away from her.

The two rascal twins are always on my side the whole time, coming to visit when they have nothing to do or they just got out from the office.

Mom always have trouble with Tyson's appetite, always hogging the foods in the fridge no matter how much mom cooks. Tyron on the other hand is far serious than usual. Always strict about my health like he's my father, when in truth I may consider him as a grandpa if only he haven't shaved that starting stubble of his.

More than a few times have they come to visit with Lex's scent on them. My other side always awakening with just a whiff of her before going back with a contented sigh. He seems to be more calm with just a piece of Lex's presence. I always inhale deeply every time, relishing that soothing scent of hers although I fought so hard to keep my sniffing a secret. But damn Tyson and Tyron for their keen observation.

Tyson would always tease me about her, telling me what she does and how she's keeping up. Whenever I would want to ask him if she misses me, Tyron would snap at him that Lex doesn't deserve me, that she didn't do anything but to ruin me. He doesn't like the idea of talking anything about her, be it her health or if she's even dead.

Before I know it, I already have Tyron's throat in my teeth, his blood staining my hands and shirt as that animalistic growl I became accustomed to tumble out of my chest.

That night, he learned his lesson to keep his thoughts to himself. Be it my best friend or not, no one had the right to even want my tie's death; even though how wrong she has been. I understand that he blames Lex for hurting me further but we should always get to know their side before we judge them.

Since that day, Tyron kept to himself mostly, not uttering a word and just leaving the room once Tyson starts telling me things about Lex.





I heaved out a sigh, looking at my phone to see 37 missed calls and 48 unread messages for today. How long is she going to keep up with this? My battery is flashing that low battery sign before beeping and shutting off.

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