Belle still gave me a kind smile. "MJ, we wish you could stay in Auradon with us. It'll give us time to catch up."

"No offense, Belle, but my home is back on the Isle," I said nonchalantly. And it is.

Belle gave Beast a sad look. "Then his visit would have been for nothing."

Evie and I exchanged confused glances. "Who's visit?"

Belle opened her mouth, only for another guy's voice to cut her off. "Where is she?" He asked.

Evie and I looked up at the staircase to see an old guy with a black shirt and a greenish kilt. He had a wooden leg, but that didn't seem to slow him down as he ran down the stairs. The next thing I knew I was brought into a bone crushing hug and was being lifted off of the ground.

 The next thing I knew I was brought into a bone crushing hug and was being lifted off of the ground

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He was laughing as he spun me around. "Ahh, my little Merida," He said happily as he sets me down. He placed both hands at the side of my face with a smile. "Well, yer not so little anymore, are ye?" Did he just call me fat? I gave him a confused look. He placed his hand over his heart. "Come on, lassie. Ye can't tell me ye forgot about yer dear ol' Grandpa Fergus?"

I looked at him up and down before my eyes widen as memories of Grandpa Fergus being licked to death by the dogs came to mind. "Grandpa?" He looks so much different. His once red hair turned gray. Not to mention cut, but his accent stayed strong.

He smiled. "I knew ye remembered. Now what's this that I hear about ye going back to the Isle?"

Evie, Belle, and Beast thought we needed time alone and escorted themselves away. I sighed. "Grandpa, the Isle is my home."

"And ye could have a better home here in Auradon. Isn't that what yer want?" It is what I want, but I can't do that here. My better home includes Uma, Gil, and Harry. A small smile came to my face at the thought of Harry. His weird one liners and the way he would always stay with me until Aunt Yzma threatened him to go home. Grandpa Fergus noticed the smile and his mouth flew open in understanding. "What's his name?"

I gave him a confused look. "How'd -"

He chuckled. "Mer, ye have the look on yer face yer mother use to get whenever she thought about yer father. Tell me, what's his name?"

"Harry. Is name is Harry?"

"And does Harry treat ye right?"

Another smile came to my face. "He does, Grandpa. He's my best friend and..."

He finished for me. "And that's why ye want to go back. For him?"

I nodded with determination. "I'm going back after tonight. I don't care how much I like this place, it won't be the same if Harry isn't here."

To my shock, Grandpa Fergus smiled. "Then, I'll take you home after tonight."

Wait, what? I even asked that. "Wait, what? You - you're not mad? You're not going to try to make me change my mind?"

He shrugged his shoulders before he wrapped his arm around me. "Ye can't get between someone and their loved ones. If ye really want to be with this boy then go ahead. Who am I to tell ye to stay? Yer ol' enough to make yer decisions and if this is what ye want then I'll be there."

That's...that's the first time someone has ever said that. He's not forcing me to stay here or make a choice. He actually respects my decision and isn't judging me for loving a pirate. I gave him a small smile before I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks, Grandpa," I mumbled.

"Now just because ye live on the Isle, doesn't mean ye could visit every once in a while. I am getting ol' ye know."

I let out a chuckle. "This time I actually promise."

We heard the trumpets play and we turned to see this guy on top of the stairs. "The future Lady Mal!" The guy introduced.

The trumpets started playing again. I felt someone grab my wrist and I turned to see Evie with a big smile on her face. I didn't hesitate to smile back at her. Mal came out with high low dress. The colors that represent Auradon. She looks beautiful, but maybe not the colors. Something doesn't seem right about them.

Evie, Carlos, and Jay started to cheer for her. I felt Grandpa Fergus nudge my shoulder before giving me a look. I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway as I clapped. Evie grabbed my arm and dragged me towards Mal.

I put on my best smile. "You look beautiful Mal," I said as Evie and I wrapped each arm around hers.

She let out a nervous chuckle. "Try saying that without looking like you want to puke."

"No, you really do look beautiful. It's just the colors that bother me."

This time she smiled. "That's the MJ I know."

Evie pulled her towards the group and have her a reassuring smile. "Look, we're right here with you, ok?"

Mal nodded. "Ok."

We heard the trumpets again. I covered my ear. "Will they ever stop?!" I yelled over the sound.

"No!" Evie and Mal said simultaneously before they squealed. Ok, I don't know which on is worst.

"King Benjamin!" The guy announced.

People started to cheer before they did a little curtsy. I just started clapping. When Ben came down the stairs I looked towards Mal. She was gazing at him while she bit her lip. I - I'm happy for her.

I smiled again before I placed my hands next to my mouth. "Go, Benny!"

Evie gave Mal a teasing smile. "Go get him."

Mal actually blushed before she reached Ben. You think Ben would be happy to see her, but I furrowed my eyebrows when he was anything but. Mal and Ben bowed for each other.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain," Ben said nervously. What?

Ben looked towards the staircase and my eyes widen. She's here. Uma's here.


A/N: Not edited bc I'm being lazy lol. One more chapter.

 One more chapter

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MJ Frost 》Descendants 2Where stories live. Discover now