The Deal

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I stood there, shock.

What have I done to deserve this? "HURRY!!! I DON'T THINK SHE'S BREATHING!!" A firefighter yelled while coming up to my body

"Take her to the ambulance!! There still might be a chance in saving her on the way to the hospital!!!" Another firefighter shouted coming to my body as well. The first Firefighter picked my already lifeless body up and carried it through the harsh fast rain through the crowd

I followed not far behind being careful not to touch any of the people that were already crowding around my house, "YOU THERE STOP!!!!" I turn around thinking they were calling me but they weren't, they were calling my step-mother . . . The one who did all this

I watch as she took the gun she had in her hand and pointed it towards the police, it happen all to fast as I saw her shot a police officer earning her multiple shots all over her body. I was happy that she was dying but I also felt guilty because I was happy at the fact that she was dying

"Eh, they could have done better" I quickly turn my head and body to the left and saw a beautiful blonde hair girl that was about my age, "don't feel sorry for her . . She deserved to die" she looked at me and smiled, "don't you think? Besides," she looked back at the scene, "where she's going." She crossed her arms over her chest, "she won't be allowed in hell" she said looking at my step-mothers body with disgust

I was too in shock to even blink, "you . . . You can see me?!" I said crossing my arms over my chest to hide the deep cuts my step-mother also did on my wrist and arms

She turn her whole body around and faced me, "of course I can see you" she grabbed one of my hands and held it in the air just above my shoulder, "and I also saw all this" she said nodding towards my bloody wrist and arms

She let go of my hand, I let both my arm fall on my sides and put my head down in either shame or embarrassment? "S-Sorry" I said fidgeting with the bottom of my light pink "Pink Panther" tee-shirt, I looked up slightly to see the blonde hair girl still looking at me smiling happy

I pulled my head up slightly tilting it to the right with my mouth agape and looked at her thinking. "Nice shirt" she said pointing to it

I smiled, "thank you" my smile soon faded into a frown when I saw the Ambulance back doors open

"HURRY JEFF!!!" I snap my attention back to the firefighters watching them put my body onto a  hospital gurney and putting an oxygen mask on my face, I felt tears threatening to come out but I held it in. I ran inside the Ambulance doors before anyone else did

"Would have been easier" I jumped and turn my body fully to the right. "If you just thought you were inside the Ambulance seating down" she looked at me and smirked in amusement

"Who . . . Or what are you?" I said getting a little scared, her smirk turned into a smile and she turned her head to my body that was coming in the Ambulance

"Jeff!! Bring her in!!" Jeff, the firefighter that was holding my body before, was keeping me still on the gurney

"We'll be following you guys from behind okay" he told the people in nurse outfits, they all nodded and he went back to the firetruck

It has been at least a good twenty minutes before we finally came to the hospital, and during the whole time I wasn't panicking or anything like what I think most people would have done if they saw there own body not breathing or moving

"You wanna know who or what I am" she said to me as everyone took my body out and brought it inside, I nodded and said yes as she smiled looking at me, "I'm the devil's daughter" she said simply while shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing, I wasn't shock or anything I just looked at her in amazement, "I'll give you a choice though"

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