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As I was on my way to the store; I ran into someone, “excuse me” I said not making any eye-contact. She started to chuckle. 

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t even see you! I was jogging and I sometimes don’t look up because it’s so early and I think not many people wake up at this time on a Saturday” I didn’t make a sound just nodded and went around her.

But as she grabbed my arm and turned me back around, I looked at her in the eyes, “shit.” I muttered. 

“Excuse me?” She said with a confused smile. Shaking my head at her; I told her it was nothing, “umm? Well, okay then.” she started jogging but not before she turned around and started jogging backwards, “it was nice meeting you!!” She shouted.

“You—.“ I cut myself off as she got hit by a car—actually, hit is understatement. More like mangled; “fuck” I said and saw the car stop and a man in a suit came out of the car cursing in a panic and dropping his phone in doing so. I started to close my eyes and prayed that this was only a dream. ‘Please be a dream. Please be a dream.’ I repeated over and over again.

Screaming as I woke up; Mi’amá rushed in the room in a panic, “what’s wrong. ¿Estás bien, bebé?” She said as she pulled me towards her and started to run her fingers through my hair to calm me down.

“Fine, just fine; it was only a nightmare.” I told her as I tried to stable my ragged breathing. I looked at my alarm clock as it just changed the last minute to 5:38 in the morning.

~*Three Hours Later*~

“Javier?!” Mi’amá called from downstairs. As I walked down the steps and into the living room a look of worry and grief was written all over her face but quickly changed to fake happiness in a matter of seconds.

I’m not a child anymore, I’m seventeen. You could look and be worried about me all you want; you don’t have to cover it up.’ I thought as I kissed Mi’amá on the head and grabbed a waffle from the toaster.

“Do you remember what your nightmare was about?” I shook my head. 

“I don’t. I think it was about a scary clown though.” I chuckled as Mi’amá hit me playfully with a kitchen towel. 

“Don’t screw with me. ¡Entiendes!”

“¡Si, Mama!” I said with a smile as I put my hoodie on, ‘damn, it’s cold.’

“While you’re putting su suéter on; can you be a dear and ir a la tienda?”

“Por qué?” I said trying not to sound so panicky.

“Because, no tienen más leche” she complain.

I looked at her and was about to protest; when she gave me her signature pouty face she knew I could never say no too. Groaning. I stuck my hand out, “dame las llaves” I said annoyed but with a playful smile.

“Gracias, hijo” she said handing me the keys and kissing my cheek.

“no problema” I said and drove to the store.

As I parked the car and made my way to the store someone ran into me, “excuse me” I said with my head down and trying not to look at the person in the eye. 

I heard a female chuckle that sounded almost familiar. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t even see you! I was jogging and I sometimes don’t look up because it’s so early and I think not many people wake up at this time on a Saturday” I didn’t make a sound. Just nodded and went around her as if I’d done this before?

Do I know her?’ I thought while shaking my head slightly in confusion.

But as she grabbed my arm and turned me back around, I looked at her in the eyes, “shit.” I muttered. ‘Where have I seen her before?’ I thought.

“Excuse me?” She said with a confused smile. Shaking my head at her; I told her it was nothing, “umm? Well, okay then” she started jogging but not before she turned around and started jogging backwards, “it was nice meeting you!!” She shouted.

Realization and panic came in as I knew what was going to happen, “WAI—.” But it was too late. The guy in the car —probably late for work or something— came out and started to curse while dropping his phone in the progress. I knew that this wasn’t a dream. Because if it were I would have woken up already and start screaming again.

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