CHAPTER 61: Are you okay?

Start from the beginning

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." He said, quite convinced at his own logic.

Ryouko sighed. "Then why don't you hear it from them yourself?" She said, went behind him and grabbed his shoulders. "This way." She said, pushing him to go forward.

"But I'm scared." He said, braking his feet.

"I'll be right behind you. Don't worry." She replied, pushing again, harder this time.

"I don't wanna be in front. I'll hide behind you." He said and jerked her hands from his shoulders. He immediately went behind her and took hold of the hem of her shirt.

"You'll tag behind like that?" She asked. He nodded his head, looking very much like a little kid.

Ryouko smiled and shook her head. "Okay then. Do whatever pleases you."

They walked in silence before Kintarou spoke up. "You said you walked over here in a daze. Why would you be in a daze?"

"There's just something. Little kids like you don't need to know." She answered.

"I'm not a little kid." Kintarou said, quite obstinate.

"Yes you are." Ryouko retorted.

"No I'm not." Kintarou argued back.

"Yes you are." Ryouko said.

They bickered like that until they reached the cabins of their team and found that there was no one lurking on the grounds.

"Where on earth did they go?" Ryouko asked, looking around.


"Don't scare me like that." Yukimura complained.

"Gomen, gomen... (Sorry, sorry...)" Shiraishi replied. "I had to do something about the awkward situation and it's the only thing I can think of."

"It's the only thing all of us could think of." Sanada said in agreement.

"It's amazing though, that most of us went along with it." Mizuki said knowingly, twirling a lock of his hair around his forefinger.

"You guys were acting? I thought it was real." Yuuta told them.

"Apparently, the situation was too delicious to pass. It's not everyday that something would happen that can be used to make fun of the Rikkaiddai's team captain." Tachibana commented.

"I can't believe that all these sensible people actually did this prank." Yukimura said, a bit annoyed. Deep inside though, he felt really relieved. If they were serious... that would've been to scary to even think about. His thoughts trailed off as Shiraishi spoke again.

"Well, it's not everyday that we act out of character, e Tachibana?" Shiraishi said.

Tachibana merely smiled as his arms were crossed over his chest relaxedly.

"Speaking of acting out of character, there is someone who extremely acted out of his personality back then..." Mizuki suddenly said, glancing knowingly at the door of the Team 2 lunch hall. It turned out that the building located right at the middle of the cabins was to be the personal hall of the second team wherein they would share meals together and conduct meetings.

Atobe Keigo was outside the hall building, his back leaning on the wall, arms crossed and narrowing his eyes at the blazing sun above.

Some of the members retorted to whispering. "I was really shocked when he grabbed Yukimura by the collar back then. He looked so angry." Mizuki continued.

"To be honest, I was also surprised. Well, Ryouko-chan and Atobe-san know each other outside this event, right? They were always at each other's throats most of the time too." Aoi Kentarou commented.

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