Chapter 12 / worst night ever

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Today felt longer than usual, I think I was just really excited to go the party tonight to see Gray. I don't know why but when I'm with him I feel like I can be myself and laugh like an idiot without worrying about any of my problems.

At lunch the boys had football practice so we all sat around talking about what we were gonna wear to the party tonight.

"I think I'm gonna try and make up with Matt tonight" Ally said and we all rolled our eyes
"You guys fight non stop and then your always the one apologising" Liv says and we all agree
"I know, I know, but this time was my fault, I shouldn't have kissed that guy" she says
"Or slept with him" I said under my breath followed with a fake cough which resulted in Ally hitting me.

"Well I think I'm gonna try and talk to Gray tonight" I say casually
"Talk or makeout?" Ally jokes
I just laugh and give the girls a wink making them all scream with happiness.

Finally the day was over and we all went back to Sarah's to get ready, her parents weren't home so we all started drinking a little while we got ready. I didn't want to get too drunk because I was hoping something would happen with Gray tonight and I didn't want to embarrass myself like last time.

I wanted to look sexy but cute, so I wore my black skirt that made my butt look good and a red bando, I also put on my oversized denim jacket and just slipped on my white converse. I did my makeup a little heavier than usual. Primer, than foundation, concealer than powder, eye brows than I did a light brown eyeshadow look because it made my green eyes look nice. I did my mascara then put some of Ally's highlighter on, while Liv straightened my hair. We all looked super cute and I was excited to get some photos for Instagram.

Finally we were all ready and Ally decided to drive, we showed up to the party and it was already pretty hectic. People were everywhere but I was only looking for one person... Grayson.

We walked into the party and stood around for a while looking for our friends, I got talking to this guy Sam who was in my photography class, he had just won the 200 dollar prize for the best photo taken in our class and I was congratulating him.

He told me about how I shouldn't of came second and how my work is a lot better then his and I argued because his was much better than mine, I think he was just being nice. He also offered to take some photos of me this summer because I was also telling him how I wanted to do a photoshoot one day.

Finally once we were done talking I turned around and my friends were no where to be found. I wondered through the kitchen looking for them when I came across some other people I knew, I asked if they had seen my friends and they pointed outside.

I walked outside once I had gotten a drink and seen Ally and Matt talking, it looked serious so I didn't bother interrupting.

"Hey" I felt two fingers poke me either side of the belly from behind, I turned to see Ethan

"Hey" I smiled
"What's up, you look... hot" he said
"Um.. are you drunk?" I asked laughing
"Nooo..." he said winking at me
I laughed "where's your brother?"
"Oh I see how it is" he joked
"What?" I asked very confused
"You always liked Gray more than me" he said acting upset
"What, I love you guys the same amount" I laughed
"Right" he said sounding serious this time
"Okayyy" I said awkwardly walking away

I found Georgia and Hayes sitting together so I went over to talk to them
"Hey guys" I smiled as they looked up at me
"Hey" they both said
"Do you guys know where Gray is" I asked and they pointed back inside
I smiled and headed back to kitchen.

After looking around, I decided I should probably go to the bathroom to freshen up. As I was coming out of the bathroom I finally spotted Grayson, but I wish I hadn't.

He was holding Sophie's hands and they were walking up the stairs together. I felt tears rise in my eyes. They were probably going upstairs to have sex. I felt so stupid, I sat my cup on the bench and moved through the crowd towards the door when I was stopped but Matt and Ally.

"What" I yelled pulling my arm away that was in Ally's grip
"What's wrong babe?" She said after realising I had tears falling down my face
"Grayson.. he's sleeping with Sophie" I said
"What the fuck" Matt said sounding angry
"I'm leaving" I said opening the door as they followed

"I swear he likes you" Matt says making me turn on my feet to face them
"What makes you say that" I say sarcastically wiping my tears
"The other night he wouldn't stop talking about you, he literally said today at football practise that he was only going tonight to see you"

I laughed "what a fucking liar" I said turning back towards the road
"Grace, where are you going?" Ally said letting go of Matts hand to chase me
"Home" I said

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