Secret life of the teenage runaways //Harry Styles Fan fic

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P R O L O G U E .

"Andy" Sarah laughed. "Get your ass back in this seat you hobo!" She shouted back at me. I stood in the backseat of her BMW, with my hair blowing in the wind and my arms spread open. Sarah was driving really fast, yet she was claiming it was to dangerous for me to be up here.

"No way, S! Keep driving we have to get as far away from here as possible! Fast." I exclaimed. You see right now, we're running from the police. This story would be a lot easier for you to understand if I told you my background. So here goes.

My name is Andrea Wilson, Everyone calls me Andy though. I'm 19 years old. I have long straight brown hair and Brown/Green eyes. Anyway enough about the little details.

When I was 17 I ran away from home with Sarah, my mam was an alcoholic and my dad was a gambler, that was one wrong hand away from loosing everything. Both of Sarah's parents are dead so she was going to have to go to an orphanage.

We saved up money and I stole some of my mums supplies. Now to survive we have to steal our food and preform on the streets. Right now we're running from the police because I stole some rich bitches, purse. She looked like bloody Victoria beckham. I'm sure she had plenty of money and wouldn't mind me stealing a fraction of it. But apparently she did. Bitch.

Oh, and the car? I stole it from my dad before I left, so if I ever go back I'm pretty sure he'll kill me. Literally.

So to sum it all up, Me and Sarah are teenage runaways with a small amount of money, who need to get into trouble by the law to survive. Not to mention we live in a worn down, disguising motel.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Andy! The motel is only just around the corner we'll be there in a second, now sit your arse back on the god damn seat" Sarah snapped. I huffed and plopped back into my seat.

She was right, just a second later we parked into the motel car park. I pushed the door open and got out, already getting my key ready. I unlocked the door and jumped onto the couch. It's been one hell of a long day...

I saw Sarah walk into the bathroom, she must be having a bath. I let my eyes close as I slipped into darkness..


"OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!" A familiar voice bellowed from outside, followed by loud bang on the door. I sleepily got up off the couch and opened the door. There stood a red in the face, bald man who is the landlord. Wow he looked pissed.

Sarah came running up behind me with a towel wrapped around her brown hair.

"You girls need to get out! You've caused way to much hassle!" Mr. Kim boomed. My jaw dropped. He's kicking us out? He can't do this to us!

"No! You are NOT kicking us out! FUCK YOU!" Sarah screamed with wide eyes. Tears pricked both of our eyes. We have nowhere else to go.

"Yes I fucking can now leave. Right now! Pack your stuff and get out before I call the police." He sneered. He walked out and slammed the door shut. If he calls the police that's it. We're over. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed our suitcases, quickly stuffing both me and Sarah's clothes in. A minute later Sarah walked in, in tears.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! WE CAN'T LEAVE WE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO! WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO FIND A NEW HOME!!" She was in absolute hysterics. I strided to her side to calm her down.

"S, we have to go. I'm sorry Hun I really am but we can't stay here. The police will come and we'll be living in a jail cell. I promise S, I'll find us somewhere to live. Now please help me pack" I said softly. She nodded silently and ran into the closet pulling out all of her clothes.

About 15 minutes later we were all packed and driving as far away as we could get. Little did we know this journey was the best and worst one of our lives...

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