walk over to Cameron. "can you please tell them to leave me alone." I whisper to him as I walk Into the kitchen. I grab

a bowl and my favorite cereal. I turn around to see if Cameron is doing what I asked him to. I'm guessing he is cause

they are all looking at me with sad faces. I start to go back to my room but Cameron stops me. "They want to meet

you" he tells me. I sigh and walk over there with him and sit as far away from them as possible. A boy with piercing

blue eyes looks at me and starts talking to me. "I'm Nash Grier and it's nice to meet you." He tells me "Hi I'm Cori." I

say quietly to him. "Nice to meet you" he replies holding out his hand. I just look at it and scoot closer to Cameron.

Nash awkwardly puts his hand back down. "Are you okay, you fell pretty hard back there." he says with a

concerned tone. I shake my head yes and look at Cam. After Nash sits down, Cameron tells me the other 4 boys

names. They were carter, Jack J, Jack G, and Aaron. After he told me all their names I go back upstairs and sit on my

bed. I was looking around my room and my eyes wander to my guitar. I don't know why I have kept it for all

these years, I haven't played it in 3 year. My eyes start to tear up while I'm thinking. My parents gave me my

guitar right before they died. Right Before my life became a living shit hole. I still remember opening up the big box and

my parents expressions, I remember my dad teaching me the first chords of my favorite song. But I also remember

my foster parents telling me that I should stop trying and that I'll never amount to more than a pole dancers

pole. I kept on playing until one of my foster moms threatened to break my guitar if I didn't stop playing. I have

been so scared that even after I left that house someone would break the only thing I have left from my parents.

Silent tears are streaming down my face. I miss my parents so much, they died when I was eight. While I was

thinking Jack G. Walked in with Cameron. Automatically I wipe the tears off my face and tell them I'm fine.

"it's obvious you aren't." says Cameron sitting down beside me. "it's nothing, I promise." I tell him turning my back to

him. "I know something's wrong. But I'm not gonna make you tell me." he tells me as he gets up. "I'll tell you

later." I tell him turning and looking at him. I realize that Jack is still in here. I just turn my back to the door. The last

time someone other than Cameron saw me cry about stuff like this was 2 years ago. Cameron and Jack are talking at

the door. "are y'all gonna leave or.." I ask them. They both look at me and then back at each other and then come

and sit down on the floor. "I know you don't like people but that's gonna change cause I can't stand to see you like this

anymore." says Cameron with a tear rolling down his cheek. "Cam, can we talk about this later." I ask not wanting

to have this conversation. "No we can talk about it now." He says back. After he says that the other boys walk into

my room. "Umm.. I think it's my choice if I talk to you in front of all the people." I tell him getting up and

walking into my bathroom. While I sit in the bathroom I hear them talking. "Why doesn't she want to talk to you?"

I hear Aaron ask. "it's not that she doesn't want to talk to me. She doesn't want to talk in front of y'all." Cameron

replies to him. "actually I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now either." I yell from the bathroom. "Now can y'all

continue this conversation somewhere else, I kinda want to get out of the bathroom." After I hear the footsteps

die down I leave the bathroom. I go into my room and Cameron is still in there. "I really don't want to talk right

now." I say sitting down. "I know, but your gonna make it worse if you don't talk about it." he tells me back. "You

mean if I do what I have done my entire life. I didn't need help with my problems before this, I don't need help

with them now. Now please get out of my room." I say getting up and opening the door for him. "You may not have

had help then, but you have help now." He tells me standing at the door. "So what your telling me to do is open up to

someone who always ends up getting rid of me. I'd rather not." I say as I shut the door in his face.


Ok so I'm gonna update this every week to week and a half. I'm sorry if this book sucks.


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