Chapter 22

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A month passed without a hitch, but also, without any word from Bellamy. Clarke threw herself back into her job, spending as much time at medical as she could each day before her mother told her to go home.

Clarke tried to avoid her room altogether. She had lived alone in there for almost 15 years and it never felt as lonely or bare as it had in the past month. After having Bellamy sleep in her bed every night with her, it just didn't feel the same without him.

She spent a couple nights in Raven's room, she wanted to every night but Raven normally had company. Finn had become a common figure whenever the smart brunette was around, she and Clarke gossiped early into the morning talking about the handsome man that Raven had been dreaming of forever.

Clarke was happy for her best friend, she had finally found the one she had been wanting since she was 12, but Clarke couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever she saw Raven and Finn being all loved up. It reminded her of Bellamy and the way they used to be.

She was surprised to learn that Lincoln had stayed behind even though Octavia left. Octavia had also promised that she would come and visit him regularly, he was kicking himself now because she hadn't kept her word.

Clarke went to him almost everyday to see if he had any knew information on the whereabouts of the two Blake siblings. Nothing, everyday.

Clarke was ready to got against Bellamy's wishes and ride to Polis herself so that she could teach him a lesson on promises.

Raven practically begged Clarke to attend the spring festival, the blonde didn't want to go, she wasn't really in the mood for being around heaps of people or the noise. But Raven being Raven eventually convinced her to go, Finn had something on so Clarke and Raven were going together.

They got ready together, just like the old times, Raven would do Clarke's makeup and Clarke would do the same for her.
Raven chose Clarke's dress, Claiming that she wanted it to be a surprise and when Clarke finally saw it, she was taken aback at how beautiful it was.

"Raven," she said in awe. "Where did you get this?" The blonde touched the green material.

"It's a secret, come on, lets get you in it!" She clapped her hands as she picked up the corset to match.

Clarke stood in front of the mirror, Raven behind her as she tied the corset.

"Do you think he'll come here tonight?" Clarke asked Raven quietly and the brunette gave a a sad smile.

"He might, you never know. I heard that Octavia promised Lincoln that she would be here, so.."

Clarke nodded as she looked down at her hands, memories of Bellamy filling her mind. His smile, his angry face, his happy face. She wanted to hold him again, kiss him, make love to him, but they both lived such different lives now. Bellamy was a warrior and she was a princess, and sometimes the universe decides to put them in difficult situations like this to test the extent of their love.

"Clarke," Raven said with a grunt as she pulled on the corsets strings. "I think we may need a bigger corset."

Clarke looked at Raven's struggling face in the mirror. "What? Does it not fit?"

Raven sighed as she gave up. "Damn it. I thought I got the right sized dress, I must've gotten it wrong." Clarke stayed silent, biting her lip, slightly embarrassed.

"Just pull it as tight as you can, I'll cope with it."

Raven nodded and she continued pulling and after a few minutes she eventually got the corset to fit. "There we go."

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