1. DJ & Chowder

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Third Person

A leaf falls off a tree and flies toward the ground, the leaf hits the ground to end up flying again due to a bike riding over it. A little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes rides her bike on the sidewalks of Mayville. You can hear her singing as she rides.

"La la-la la-la la, hello sky. La la-la la-la, la-la la-la la-la, la-la la-la la-la la-la la~ la-la la-la la-la la-la-ow!" She stops as she hit the grass. She tries to get out by pushing the peddles, but has no luck. She hears the creak of a door come from the house on the yard she landed on. The leaf gets stuck in the wheel, then flies toward the house. She turns toward where the leaf flew to see an old man standing at the door.

"Oh, get off my lawn!" The girl screams and tries to get her bike moving. He runs towards her while yelling "Trespasser!" He gets to her.

"Do you want to be eaten alive?!" He yells.

"No." She replies scared.

"Then get out of here!" She gets of her bike and starts to run while screaming, she turns back to see him pick up her trike.

"My trike." She says. He takes the wheel off and growls at her. She runs off crying.

"Stay away from my house!" He yells and heads to his door. He turns back, a flash goes off and he growls again. A boy looked at him through a telescope, that is until the old man looks back at him. He jumps back with a gasp.

"DJ!" A woman yells in the distance.

"Yeah mom, I'm coming I'm coming." The boy responds. He writes in his notebook quickly while his mother yells more.

"I'm coming!" He yells and runs outside.

"Mom he did it again, he took another tricycle!" He says.

"Okay honey, we've talked about this, you cannot stay up in your room all day staring at an old man through a telescope." She says.

"But mom theres something wrong with that house." He says.

"I'm serious!" His voice cracks while adding.

"What was that?" She asks, he coughs.

"I'm serious." He says again but deeper.

"His voice sounds funny." His mom states.

"Someone's hitting puberty. What's happening to my body?" The boy's father says. They all have a conversation until his parents get in the car. They argue and end up hitting something.

"Where is DJ? Where is he?" His mom asks. The person they hit walks up to them.

"Sorry, it's hard to see with the mask on." The boy says.

"Then why don't you keep it off Chowder?" The father asks taking the mask off of him.

"Chowder." DJ whined.

"Hey DJ." Chowder says putting his hand on DJ's shoulder. DJ's parents finally leave and the two friends talk.

"So we going trick or treating tomorrow?" Chowder asks.

"I don't think so Chowder. I think I'm to old for that stuff." DJ says shooting the ball and getting it in the hoop.

"Oh come on your gonna break our six year streak!" He says.

"Yeah six years of being egged." Chowder takes the ball and starts to dribble it very poorly. He shoots the ball, it bounces off the rim and hits him in the nose, he falls to the ground and DJ runs up to him.

"Are you okay?" DJ asks.

"My nose is in my brain!" He yells covering his nose.

"Lemme see..Oh my god!" DJ says.

"What?" Chowder asks sitting up.

"Your a dork!" He says getting up. Chowder looks around him.

"Where's my ball?" He asks. DJ looks across the street , Chowder gets up and walks up next to him, they see the ball in the yard across the street.

"Oh no." DJ says, they both run across the street. They stop before they step on the lawn.

"Sorry buddy." DJ says putting his hand on Chowders shoulder.

"Wait!" Chowder yells.

"What?" DJ asks.

"Um..your an adult now DJ you go get it!"

"Chowder your ball just landed on Nebbercraker's lawn. It doesn't exist anymore." DJ says, then looks at the ball and starts to think for a minute.

"Okay fine." He says stepping on the grass.

"I'll never forget this." Chowder whispers. DJ waits a minute and looks at the window of the house.

"Go." He mumbles and runs towards the ball. Before he could get to it the door opens to reveal Nebbercraker.

"You!" The old man yells.

"No." DJ mumbles in disbelief. Nebbercraker runs after him and tries to grab him, but DJ dodges it. He accidentally digs up dirt trying to get away.

"What have you done?" Nebbercraker asks with gritted teeth.

"Uh I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" DJ says with his hands up in defense.

"You. Are. Dead!" The old man yells running after him more. He grabs the boy's arm.

"DJ!" Chowder yells.

"Help! Chowder!" The frightened boy yells.

"Help! Help!" Chowder yells hopeing someone will hear. Nebbercraker picks DJ up.

"You think you can just terrorize my lawn?!" The old man yells.

"No I'm sorry!" DJ yells in fear.

"You wanna be a dead person?!"

"No I love life!"

"This place is not a playground for children!"

"Got it from now on!"

"This is my house! Why can't you respect that?! Why can't you just stay away from my-" He pauses. His eye starts to twitch, then he falls on DJ. DJ, still afraid, tries to get away. The house starts to creak, you can see a sad expression on it's face. A spark lights and smoke comes out the chimney.
Hi guys! Long time no see! Once again I'm back to writing on the weekends if I can. Lots of busy stuff, ya know? Also yep, another book. Working on two at the same time cuz I'm an eager mofo. Don't worry, I got it.

Monster House (DJ X OC) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt