Lou shrugged and simply said, “It just never came up.”

Men. I shook my head and turned back to my food. But the whole time, I was distracted by Darcy and Niall whispering, holding hands, and sharing food. I know it was selfish, but I felt like my best friend was being taken away from me.

I felt a knee rub against mine and looked up across the table at Zayn. I realized that I’d stopped eating and had been sadly staring into space. He gave me a worried look. I slightly smiled in return to assure him that I was alright. I proceeded to finish my lukewarm food.

Once everyone was done, we put our plates in the washer and all sat in the main room.

“Danielle said she’d be here in ten minutes,” Liam announced, looking at the phone in his hands. His eyes showed anxiety and excitement.

“Then we’d better go home and get everything cleaned and ready for her,” I said, getting up.

“We’re leaving?” Darcy said sadly, her gaze finding its way towards Niall.

“Uh, yeah,” I said more forcefully. “We’re leaving.”

Without waiting for her or saying any goodbyes, I walked out of the condo. I found where I’d dropped my phone last night and shoved it in my pocket. Darcy angrily stormed out seconds later and hopped in the passenger seat of the golf cart. I cursed to myself, realizing I’d not said goodbye to Zayn before I hurried out. My thoughts were too focused on Darcy and Niall.

“I forgot my flip-flops,” I lied to Darcy. “I’ll be right back.” I actually had walked barefoot. I lost my favorite flip-flops the first night I spent with Zayn on the roof here. I had kicked them off to run faster across the sand. I still remember that song he sang.

Darcy didn’t even glance towards me, dismissing me with a curt nod. I held my tongue and went back inside the condo. The boys weren’t anywhere to be seen. I went down the hallway and knocked on Zayn’s door. Moments later, it opened, and Zyan was standing in its way.

“Hey,” he said. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I, uh, just wanted to say goodbye,” I answered.

He led me inside with his hand on the small of my back. Once the door was shut, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

I sat down—more like collapsed—onto his bed. “I… I don’t know.”

“Is it Darcy and Niall?” he asked.

I sighed. “That’s part of it.”

He nodded in understanding. “They’re in the honeymoon stage of their relationship. Give her some time to realize that she’s ignoring you.”

“Alright,” I agreed.

He sat down next to me. “What else is wrong?”

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