Clearing the misunderstanding

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Khushi didn't even try to oppose him when he hugged her. She just couldn't bring herself to do that. She wanted to cry her heart out on his shoulder. He wanted to hold her close to himself for the longest time possible.

Both souls were broken...Shattered and terrified. Terrified to lose each other. It wouldn't be right to say that only Khushi was suffering, This one month was no less than third degree torture for Arnav too. Watching your heartbeat break into pieces and knowing the reason being you was not easy.

Exposing yourself to the fear of the past being repeated was not easy. Just the thought of losing Khushi the way he had lost his Ratna Ma was more than death to Arnav.

Khushi seemed to acknowledge that. She processed his words slowly "I'm sorry... I was hell angry with what I saw that day. I didn't think clearly... I'm sorry. When I saw you in Shyam's embrace, I was fuming... You know how I lost my Mum Coz my Dad betrayed her. I lost my choti!! I thought just like I had to lose my Choti... My baby sister!! Di would have to lose her Rajkumari!! I just couldn't think clearly... I'm so sorry. I was scared and angry shona... I didn't want to lose Di... Or you!"

"I thought it was you" Khushi said suddenly. Her voice weaker and more urgent

"Who was me?" Arnav asked abruptly breaking the hug

"At Payash wedding... I got a message from your number... It said you wanted to meet me urgently on the terrace. I thought I was going to meet you... But met him" Khushi said

"You are saying... That you got a message from me... Saying I wanted to meet you??"

Khushi nodded slightly

Arnav took his phone out and searched for the message Khushi was talking about.

"No one can delete any messages from my phone without my permission. It needs my fingerprints to delete anything from my Phone" Arnav explained seeing the questioning gaze of Khushi

Khushi nodded

Arnav exclaimed when he found the message.

'Meet me at the's urgent' He read the message

"So you thought I had called you to the terrace. But it was shyam?"

Khushi nodded

"What happened next??" Arnav asked

"When I went upstairs, It was dimly lit. I couldn't see anyone... Just then he came and grabbed my waist. I didn't recognize your touch. And I was sure It's not you. You know how scared I get when anyone startles me like that. You never do that. So I just slapped that beast in the face. I pushed him away. But he held my wrist tightly" Khushi said

Arnav nodded and gestured her to continue

"Then he started flirting with me... He told me that he loves me. That he has never seen such beauty all his life. I slapped him yet again and this time harder than before. I reminded him that he had a wife... Who was in love with him. I told him that... I am not meant for him. Then he disclosed that he knew about us!! And he told me that he has no problem if... If I kept... It was disgusting... I can't even say it" Khushi stopped and looked at Arnav, Who was equally revolted. He held Khushi's hands and pressed them in assurance.

"I told him that he doesn't deserve Anjali Di... She is such a caring and loving person. I told him that he'll not be able to give her the love and  respect she deserves. I told him that he should just leave Anjali Di because he didn't deserve her. The bit you heard probably. He told me that he's ready to divorce Anjali Di Then he started to get close... Uncomfortably close (Her grip on Arnav's hand tightened) He started hugging me... While I was just trying to push him away." Khushi said in tears

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