We'll talk Arnav...!!

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"Arvind Malik... He's not only your culprit!!" Ashima said in an anger-Filled voice

"Di... Is everything okay? What's wrong?" Arnav asked scared at the sudden change in tone of Ashima

Ashima didn't react

"Di?" Arnav shook her a little

"Huh?... Yeah, I'm fine" Ashima said coming out of the trance

"Doesn't look like that though" Arnav said

"I am fine Arnav... I really am fine. Trust me" Ashima said

"Di... You're a terrible liar" Arnav said seriously concerned

"Arnav... Can we talk later??" Ashima asked tiredly

"Di...?" Arnav sighed

"We will talk Arnav... I promise you that. You and AnjalI deserve the truth. I just need a little time. Please?" Ashima said

Arnav nodded

Just then a faint groan from the bed caught their attention. Khushi was gaining consciousness. Arnav and Ashima went towards her. Arnav sat next to Khushi

"Shona... Are you Okay?" Arnav said while helping Khushi in sitting up

She nodded weakly and smiled

"You need something?" Ashima asked

"Pani (Water)" Khushi mouthed

Arnav made her drink water

"My throat..." She struggled to say clearly

"It'll be sore... Its because of the meds. Don't stress it for sometime Did you have your breakfast?" Ashima asked

Khushi shook her head

"Then, I'll suggest you to eat something. Or you'll faint again. Your glucose levels are way lower than normal." Ashima said kind yet sternly

"I'll be right back... With breakfast" Arnav said and left, Not before giving a last apologetic glance at Khushi

She caught his expression and smiled assuring him.

Outside, Akash NK and Naniji are sitting talking to each-other when Arnav enters the hall.

"Bhai... Khushiji kaisi hain? (Bhai how is Khushiji)" Akash and NK asked together

"She's fine... Ashu Di is there with her... I've come to grab some food for her. She didn't have her breakfast today" Arnav said

"Or dinner yesterday. She was waiting for you, When Akash showed up without you, telling her, you've had your dinner. She just went to her room without eating. And no she wasn't upset! She was just worried you'll sleep without your dinner if she didn't wait." Payal said coming in the hall

Arnav sighed

"I don't know what she'd eat comfortably... Of course I know what she'd like but, Her sore throat... Arghh" Arnav exclaimed irritated

"Don't worry... I've made soup. She can have that and its not spicy" Payal supplied helpfully

"Thanks Payal" Arnav said

"It'll be ready in a few more minutes Arnav ji. (After a short pause and nod from Arnav) Arnav ji... I never wanted my family to behave like they did. All there lives infact. I know somewhere I was the reason.. But, But trust me. I never meant any of it. I really love Khushi dearly" Payal said

Arnav smiled "I know Payal, And she knows it too. She loves you, Though for your family... Buaji and Garima Aunty, I'm afraid I can't say that. Your family has always pampered you... Not that she has a problem with that, But a little love is needed by everyone." Arnav said

"She expected a little love from Garima Aunty. What happened at our wedding that day... It makes me hate myself now that I think of it. But I had really counted on the Guptas to be her strength. That didn't happen sadly. And its all my fault!! I accept it!!" Arnav said

"Its not..." Payal started

"No it is Payal!! It's all my fault. I claimed to know her. I thought I could read my shona, But that day, I committed the greatest sin of my life. I punished her all this time, For something that she wasn't responsible for. And it is my fault. Anyway... The soup" Arnav said

When he returned with the soup, Ashima was sitting beside Khushi while she lay on the bed, Still not sleeping but close enough.

When he entered the room... Khushi sat up instantly. Arnav started feeding his shona lovingly

"Guys... I need to leave. Take care both of you" Ashima said

"Take care Di... Convey my regards to Arjun/Bhai" Arshi said

Ashima left.

"Shona.... I'll be back in a minute" Arnav said and followed Ashima

"Ashu di... Ek minute" (One minute Ashu di) Arnav called

Ashima turned

"Di.... Are you okay?" Arnav asked

"Arnav... May I ask you something?" ashima asked

"Anything di... Anything" Arnav said

Your second update as promised!
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I was facing a glitch on wattpad, Not able to publish m story... Sorry for the delay

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