Guide to Positioning

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This is something that gets overlooked so much- you look at covers nowadays and you see random fonts in random places. Half the time, you can't even locate half of the title because it's on the opposite side of the cover, in twelve different fonts. 

Well, I already went over fonts, so I won't go on and on about that. 

The key is, you want to keep the fonts all together. People don't want to hunt down parts of your title. They're not going to have, or want to us, the time to do that. But yet it's something that most cover makers do. 

When you have your title picked out, you should always put it in the middle. But you can also put it on the top or bottom, though it sould always be alined in the middle. Always. Don't try to be creative with it. That's when people go overboard and everything starts to look bad. 

There are times when you can have the title on the side, but you should only do that if you really, really know what you're doing. 

The way you make the title look is your choice- but don't forget everything I said in the past. 

Now for the author name. Where do you possibly put that? Personally, I always space the letters out and stretch it along the bottom or the top of the cover. It looks clean and professional. Another tip that I'll also talk about in later chapters: you should make the authors name lighter than other things, or make it a little translucent. It just looks better I guess. You can also put the names in other places, like on a disign, or other places like that. 

So really this is a pretty free subject, but if you're not used to making covers and how-to, always stay with the simplest forms. Simple is better. Just remember that. It's the most important thing to remember. 

Questions? Comments? Need help? Just ask me! Thank you for all the comments! I love them! If you have examples of work that you have made using my guide, send me the link and I'll put them up and dedicate a chapter to you! I want to see them!

Thank you for reading!

~Anna Noel

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