Chapter 20, Been Down This Road Before

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(A/N I do know that the song doesn't really match the theme of the chapter, but I just used the lyric in a different context. I'm trying not to repeat songs, so my options are getting narrower. Sorry for the interruption, now you can enjoy this heartbreaking chapter.)

*Rocky's P.O.V.*
-The Next Morning-

There I stood in the shower, my forehead pressed against the cold, tiled wall. Tears mixed with the water dripping down my face as I practically sobbed. I wanted to shower to try to shake the hangover a bit, but when the memory of last night came back, I broke down all over again. I had just lost the most important thing in my life. This hurt infinitely more than my pain with Alexa.

"Rocky, are you okay? You've been in there for over an hour," Rydel spoke softly as she creeped her head into my bathroom doorway.

"I'll be fine," I sniffled.

"Why don't you come out and tell me what happened," she offered. I shut off the water and hesitantly grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my waist. When I opened the door, I found Rydel sitting on my bed with a concerned look. I sat next to her, all of my movements slow and sluggish. "Is this about Sky?"

"It's over," I mumbled as I fought back tears.

"Why? You guys were perfectly fine when we left the house last night," she questioned.

"I cheated on her," I said as I choked on tears.

"Rocky Mark, why would you ever do that when you know how it feels?" she raised her voice slightly.

"I didn't mean to," I snapped. "I was so drunk that I thought the other girl was her. Well surprise, surprise it fucking wasn't. I tried to put my clothes back on and leave when I found out, but Sky walked in while I was putting my pants back on."

"Shit, dude," she breathed out after a moment of silence. "I'm sorry."

"Yea. She slapped the shit out of me and said, 'You can forget about us.' There's no way I can fix this," I continued to cry.

"Have you explained it to her yet?"


"Then there's still hope. Just let her know what happened and she should hear you out," she suggested.

"She made it pretty clear that she was done with me," I mumbled.

"You never know if you don't try."

*Ding Dong*

I waited impatiently at her doorstep. Please answer.

The door opened, revealing a tussled-up version of Sky. Once her eyes made contact with mine, she immediately went to shut the door, but I stopped it with my foot. I tried not to focus on the pain in my foot and focus on the task at hand. "What the hell do you want?" she said through clenched teeth. I could see tears start to cloud her eyes.

"I need you to hear me out, please," I practically begged as I continued to hold the door open.

"What is there to hear? You cheated on me. It's over, Rocky!" she yelled as she went to close the door again, but I kept it propped open. She growled in frustration as a few tears slipped from her eyes. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her pain away right then.

"Baby, pleas-"

"You don't have a right to call me that anymore. Just leave," she cried. I stepped back from the door and gave her a pleading gaze. Her eyes gave me nothing more than sheer pain and frustration. I wanted to kick myself over and over for the fact that I caused that look.

"Fine. I'll go, but only because you asked me to," I started. "But for your information, I never meant for any of this to happen. I thought the other girl was you, and I tried to get out once I realized it wasn't. But you walked in at the wrong time. Just remember that I love you, and good luck with the rest of your life." I said my goodbyes as I walked away from her. Tears inevitably leaked from my eyes as I fumbled with my car keys. I heard her front door shut, and I cried harder when I knew that that was it.

I officially lost her.

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