"Everyone calm down" He shouts as more vans turn up with people who are wearing fight gear. People start to panic more. 

"What the fucks going on dad?" I ask, 

"Stuff" He says, it must be bad otherwise he would have said more. My mother turns up too, she's wearing a white coat and has a laptop in one hand and files in the other. She has her long blue hair tied back. My dad smiles at her. He's wearing a suit, My dad is the captain of the DHS-the demon Hunters society-and my mother works there as the head scientist who conduct tests on demon species, naming them, what they can do and even giving them a level, I guess shes not a scientist but that's how she explains it. "Whats going on" I ask again, he ignores me "Dad" I say again, silence. Me and my brother exchange glances as he walks closer to me. My mum walks up 

"Whats happening?" Riko asks

"We just need everyone to calm down, can we get them all inside the building?" Loads of people groan, I was about to say anything when my friend says

'Don't, just go along, you'll draw too much attention' I nod and go along, stood next to Kagami. 

When we get inside we all sit in the gym, I sigh and place my head on the wall I was leaning on. Everyone's in groups and my brothers talking to my parents. Funny, they talk to him, they seem more relaxed. Oh, right do they not want to tell be because.. I shake my head then bang it against the wall lightly but still enough to hurt. 

"What the hell" Kagami whispers. I close my eyes, the pain subsiding, I didn't mean to hit myself to make it hurt. I keep my eyes closed. "Bro?" I open them to see my brother. 

"What?" I say looking up at him. Then back at my parents, I sigh. "Whatever it is I don't care" I say closing my eyes, He sits next to me, then Knocks on my head as if it was a door

"What the hell?" I say opening my eyes, 

"Whats going on in that head of yours?" He ask. I look at him then close my eyes and shake my head and whisper

"Why are they so...." I start when I open my eyes to see my brothers smiling face, 

"They don't want to see you hurt, they're stressed" He says

"Why?" Riko asks

"Level 50 on a rampage" My dad says walking up with my mother, "we'll be here a while" I sigh, closing my eyes, Great more time with people I don't like, Yay. I sigh for many reasons, Even I can tell my dad is being unusually cold.

"Why are you sighing?" He asks

"Why are you avoiding answering MY questions?" I ask

"You don't need to know" He says looking away, everyone in the room stops. Thats when I get angry 

"Oh but someone you barely FUCKING know needs to?" I yell, standing up He stares at me shocked the room goes silent, I lean in and whisper "I get it, I'm just a monster to you" I pull away

"I NEVER said that" He says

"You don't need to" I say sitting back down closing my eyes. 

'T' He starts

'Leave it... please' I say back. Banging my head on the wall again.

After half an hour we're still here. The tension in the room subsides and my dad gets back to work my brother sat beside me. 

"He doesn't yano? " He says

"I know" I say quietly "I feel helpless," I add in a whisper, I hate this feeling, It brings up to many memories.

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