It wasn't until that one day. Caleb was in front of his mirror, brushing his hair. As he was doing his front, he noticed his wrists were starting develop thin red lines. He placed the brush on his bedside table and went to look at his wrists, but let out a small cry as they split open. As if Caleb had been chained to a wall and was struggling against the chains.

Caleb ran to his desk and took some towels and sat on his bed to wipe out the blood. As he pressed a towel to his wrist a sharp pain was felt on his ankles. He lifted his pants up to see that his ankles had split open the same way his wrists had.

Caleb decided that he had to get up. He stood up and painfully walked to his door. As he was about to open the door a powerful force knocked him out, the only thing he felt was a burning pain in his chest.

Pepper entered Caleb's room in a rush. She looked like she had something important to tell, but stopped herself with a gasp as she saw Caleb on the ground. She rushed over to him mumbling in panic over and over again.

Caleb groaned as he felt himself being lifted up.

"Are you okay?" Pepper asked him in a worry.

"Yep." Caleb groaned. "Yep. Fine. Just fainted."

"Are you sure?"


Pepper nodded to herself, but checked him again for any wounds. Not finding any, she sighed in relief.

"Okay," She breathed. "Get ready. They found your dad." And she walked away.

Caleb stood up and quickly checked his wrists and ankles. Nothing.

"Impossible." He breathed out.

He looked down at his carpet where blood should be, but there was none. Then he remembered that he had used a towel. He looked o his bed, where he had placed it-


The towel wasn't there. (Building up to intense Iron Man theme starts.)

Caleb frowned in confusion. He clearly remembered the towel. It wasn't on the bed or on his desk. It was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, he winced as he felt the small burning pain on his chest. He walked over to his mirror and ripped his shirt off. In the middle of his chest was a red circle. A plain red circle.

As he looked at it, Pepper's words came back to him. His eyes widened as his head snapped up. (Music stops.)

"Wait." He said. "Dad?

(Intense Iron Man theme restarts.)


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