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I debated with myself for days if I should bring the kids to the hospital or not, but Selena's mom convinced me to bring them. They missed Sel I could tell, I had to explain to them that their mom was in hospital after a very bad accident. Josh was silent while Jess cried, I had to comfort her to sleep each night reminding her that mommy was going to be okay because she was having nightmares.

"Can I call shotgun?" Josh asked as I strapped Jade into her car seat. "Sure bud." I laughed as he ran towards the door of the passenger side. "Jess you ready princess?" I said turning around to see her standing at the door, looking sad. Tears filled her small brown eyes as she sniffed, wiping her nose.

Watching her eyes fill, I got upset at the sight of my daughter so I walked over and scooped her into my arms. "Jessica what's wrong princess?" I kissed her head before walking over towards the car and strapping her in.

"Is mommy badly hurt daddy?" She questioned me, how do I even answer that to a three year old? "Mommys just a little hurt, she's got just a few little cuts just like the way Josh cuts his knees open when he falls." I explained, this was harder to do than I expected.

I wiped her tears from her face, it broke my heart looking at her. I planted another kiss on her head before closing the door shut.

Walking over to my side of the car, I sighed as I know once Jessica see's Selena she will probably cry or even run away crying.

Sliding into the drivers seat, I pulled on my seatbelt and turned on the car engine.

My phone started to buzz in my pocket, pulling it out of my pocket I slide my finger across the screen placing it to my ear. "Hello?" I answered, coughing a little.

"Hey baby. I just wanted to tell you that your grandparents are coming down for a visit." The soft voice of my mother spoke, it always made me smile.

"Okay, when do they arrive?" I spoke back, I could feel Jace growing impatient, just how Jaxon gets. "They will be here tomorrow afternoon, sorry to pile this onto you son." She sighed, I could tell she was annoyed that she was telling me this. "No its fine, I'm just about to go the hospital with the kids."

"Do you really think that's a good idea Justin? I dont like the thought them to see her the way she is, it'll break them to see her all battered and bruised." She questioned. "I need to, they keep asking for her and I gave in. They have never been apart from her for this long." I sighed.

"Okay baby, if that's what you feel is best." She agreed.

"Okay I'll call you later, I love you mom." I said before hanging up.

"Seriously dad can we get a move on?" Josh rolled his eyes at me in the rear view mirror. "You know how your grandma gets, she's a chatterbox." I chuckled as I pulled away from the house. I really didnt want to bring them to see Selena in her condition but I had to do what's best for them. She there mother and they want her, they need her.

"Promise when you see your mom you won't get overly excited?" I asked as we got stuck in traffic, I took a glance into the review mirror to see Jade sleeping in her cute red suit that Jessica picked out. Shaking my head as I let out a laugh when I heard a soft giggle go along with me, glancing at Jessica she was smiling right at me. "You okay princess?" I asked raising a brow at her, she gave me a huge smile and two big thumbs up.

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