Chapter one-Meeting the Tucker

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Once upon a time, there was a princess called Chrissy. Her dad, King Gerald, was the ruler of the land, everybody loved him. And they loved Chrissy too. She had everything she had ever wanted and nothing could take that away from her.

Except that she wasn't a princess.

In real life, she was just a plain ordinary girl. She had a youtube channel, a group of friends and a crush. Well this crush wasn't just a normal crush, it was a huge MASSIVE crush! You know what his name was? It was....


Tye Tucker was nearly every girl's dream. He had black sily hair, big eyes and had a good body, that what Chrissy thought(nudge nudge ;] ). His own breath made a girl once faint. That was how powerful his attraction was.

Even though Chrissy knew she was out of his league, she was still part of his mini fan group. She loved called out to him, hide, and giggled with Bindi, her best friend, whenever he looked.

So one ordinary day, Chrissy was going to movies. As she was climbing up the big white stairs to the cinemas, she dropped her wallet. It dropped about 10 meters and landed on somebody's head.

"I-I'm sorry!" Chrissy squeaked as she raced down the stairs. "It was an accident!"

"It's okay." The stranger said as he picked up her wallet.

Chrissy's heart stopped. No way. No friggin way, she thought. SHE WAS TALKING TO TYE TUCKER!


WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? *dun dun dunnn*

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