Chapter 2: Life at the Institute

Start from the beginning

'We dated once!' Wrote Megumi on her sketchbook, and both Ryuu and Jun exchanged worry-full looks. '...Well... sort of..." She added while being the victim of a strong blush. Yahiro told Megumi not long ago that this engagement was a fake, unless she convinced him to change his mind. And Megumi surely wanted to do her best for Yahiro, not that she wanted him to marry her quiet yet, but at least she wanted him to accept her feelings.

"Well, leaving that aside, the transference is already done, Yahiro is officially part of our school." Megumi smiled sweetly for Tadashi, who couldn't help but blush at the view. Seeing Megumi this happy was surely something everyone at the S.A. was enjoying. "Ah... well... my mother wasn't that glad to have a member of the Saiga family at our school again... but it still wasn't that hard. Anyway, what's for lunch?"

"Rice Balls!" Said Hikari while coming out from nowhere with a plate of what seemed to be some kind of silver looking cannon balls.

"Tadashi! Since you are so hungry you will be the first one to give them a try!" Everyone flinched at Hikari, who had placed a rice ball at Tadashi's hand. The teen was then slammed at the floor hard due to the weight of the ball. "Now! Who wants some?" 

Ryuu and Jun both backed off in fear and moved their heads in negation, Hikari then launched herself toward Megumi. The girl sweat dropped and then placed her sketchbook at Hikari's face in fear. 'Sorry, I'm on a diet!'

"Eh? A diet? But you are so thin!" Megumi hid behind her sketchbook, Hikari just smiled evilly. "I understand." Megumi blinked twice. "Being cute for Yahiro-kun?" She blushed, Hikari clutched. "Then, do your best! I, Hanazono Hikari! Will help you on your diet! I will hide all the sweets from you! That includes Akira's cakes and cookies!" Megumi felt like crying, but Hikari just smiled for her. The price of not eating Hikari's food was too high, but understandable.

"Speaking about Akira." Said Tadashi while sitting by the tea table. "How longer is she going to scold Yahiro? I know she doesn't approve it, we don't approve it either, but... it is Megumi's decision after all." When that last was said, Megumi suddenly remembered Yahiro still had a crush on Akira, and she faced the direction where Akira and Kei were scolding a bored to death Yahiro. "They had being at it for a couple of hours already... and they used to be such good friends."

Megumi then stared directly at Yahiro. The pink haired and despicable guy was half ignoring the sermon, but someone could tell he was really annoyed. So, Megumi decided to place herself in the picture. When she arrived to where the trio were debating, it was Kei the one scolding Yahiro, and the pink haired one was already losing his patience.

"...Umm... excuse me..." Everyone froze, especially Kei. Everyone had heard her voice in the past, but never this sweetly. It was something not even Kei was able to ignore, and so he entered a state of shock. "...Umm... measures... Yahiro-kun... will be late to take his uniform's measures..." Yahiro blinked twice in surprise, and Akira blushed when hearing Megumi's voice once again and Kei was turned into a stone by the shock. "...Uh... I apologize!" She then took Yahiro's hand and pulled him out of the greenhouse.

"Hey!" But Megumi ignored him and pulled him until arriving to the front doors of the institute. Once there, Megumi took a deep breathe.

She was no good at sports and was all worn out. Yahiro, in the other hand, was as good as new. "...Weirdo..." Megumi flinched when hearing that last. "...If you wanted to help me out you could have done it earlier... that Akira, when she is mad no one can shut her up..."

One Despicable Guy by FriendlyMushroomWhere stories live. Discover now