chapter 2

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Dean was staggered with the one-sided encounter he had as soon as he arrived to hell. An Angel in hell? That's new. In a blink of an eye, Dean was standing on solid ground. He was in a room surrounded by demons. He can see both their human vessels as well as their true demonic forms. He stood at one end of the room, in front of an immense wooden door. At the other end of the room, opposite of dean, a beautiful, ungodly creature sat on a maroon throne chair, with a silver cup decorated with little red diamonds in his hand. On the right side of the throne sat a diminutive, filthy metal cage with a demonic soul chained inside it. The vessel in the throne looked up at dean with eyes as red as a bloody rose. With a smirk at the edge of his lip it shouted with enthusiasm, "Finally. The famous Dean Winchester."

Great! Just what I needed, attention in the middle of hell. Dean thought to himself. His mouth was sandy and dry. He cleared his throat and said back, "Let me guess. The devil of hell."

"Nice job! I guess you are as remarkable as they said you were." The smirk on his face was more of a creepy large smile now. He clicked his fingers and one of the demons surrounding him took the silver cup from the devil's hand.

"I would like to officially welcome you to hell, sweetheart." The devil stood out of his throne. He waved the dark golden cape off his back and started walking towards what he thought was his new human pet. He didn't have the slightest clue of what the Winchester standing upon him was capable of. Dean stood perfectly still, yet he was anxious. The devil of hell was walking towards him, he was few feet away with all the power to destroy him, his best chance was to not say anything that can piss him off.

First an Angel and now The Devil, what a great day you say.

The devil stopped right in front of Dean's face. So close that he can smell the scent of smoking skin coming off him. The devil, lifted his hand and whispered, "Lucifer," dean was surprised by such gesture, but there was no way he was going to allow for such thing. He took a step back, causing the smile to disappear off Lucifer's face and his hand to drop on his side.

"That wasn't so friendly of you...... I guess I'm going to have to punish you, aren't I? what a shame, I thought we might have way much more fun together if you were a bit more.... friendly. Of course, Winchesters have to take an extra dose of seriousness." The mention of his family name, prompted Dean. He realized that he isn't the only family member in hell. His Father is suffering the same fate as his elder son, and how many other family relatives, hunters as well as friends there are. The thought of all those people who have been suffering all these years in such a dull, exhausting, filthy dwelling left Dean emotionally vulnerable, and his enemy read his emotions.

Lucifer looked deep into Dean's green eyes, he giggled and said "You didn't think you were here alone, did you? What fun would be in that?" He walked away from Dean and continued,

"Now, the rules are the following, one, I am the king and everyone obeys me, two, you torture or be tortured, and either way, you get a room to yourself. Ironically, I don't like to see passed out corpses everywhere in my kingdom." He smiled and waved with the back of his hand to one of his servants.

"Now, please accept my little 'Welcome to Hell' gift." As he finished one of the demons, started walking towards Dean and waved for him to go out through the one of the side doors on the right side of the room. Dean followed as he had no other choice but to do so. Anything better than being in the same room as the devil.

They walked through a long, narrow hall. It was blank, dark and pale. The screams of pain were coming from everywhere, begging for help and mercy, sending goose bumps all through Dean's body. He wasn't sure anymore whether it was the right move to just follow a random demon, but what else was he supposed to do.

After a long period of walking, there were at the end of the hall, where there was a black metal door, chained close. The demon knocked on the door sending an echo through the air. As if the knock was anticipated, the door open..... showing one of the many traitors and annoying people that the newbie in hell has met during his life time, Bella.      

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