“Uh-oh!” Josie gasped. “What do we do now?!”

Without verbally responding, Alex clicked on Lily Pad’s picture on the laptop and planted her in front of the Peashooter. He then clicked on Jalapeño’s picture and planted him on the Lily Pad.

WHOOSH! The pepper turned the Dolphin Rider to ash!

“That was close!” Freddy told them all.

Suddenly, another dolphin clicking could be heard! This time, the zombie was in the OTHER lane in the pool!

“I have an idea!” Alex suddenly gasped. He then planted a Lily Pad two spaces in front of the Peashooter. The others were quite confused as to why he was doing this. However, when the Dolphin Rider came to the lone Lily Pad, it jumped her, leaving him without a dolphin and slowly approaching the Peashooter. A few seconds later, the zombie was out! A minute after that, all the remaining zombies were killed!

“Wow, good thinking, Alex!” Dave told him. “And you know, I think I have something than can easily stop those guys from messing with us again!”

“Good to hear!” Alex responded. He then got out of the chair and stretched. “I’m actually kinda hungry. Sun, think you could whip up some late lunch?”

“No problem!” Sunflower responded. Alex then picked her up and brought her to the kitchen.

“Anything you want in particular?” she asked when he had set her on the counter.

He thought for a second before replying, “Dave’s been working hard lately, so I think he deserves something nice.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Maybe a taco bar?”

Sunflower just grinned happily.

“He’d LOVE that!” she replied. “I’ll get to work on it!” She then turned to the stove and turned it on.

“Oh, by the way,” she continued, “you’re probably wondering where I’m getting all the food for this, right?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, I AM rather curious.”

“Well, would you believe me if I said it was because I can magically turn the soil in my pot into raw food supplies?”

Alex suddenly felt like he was about to hurl.

“Well if you would, I’d be lying to ya!” she responded. She then let out a chuckle before asking, “Gotcha, didn’t I?”

Alex nervously chuckled before replying, “Yeah, you did.”

“But seriously, though,” she continued, “don’t ask how, but Crazy Dave managed to make a way to have whatever raw food item I think of appear right in front of me if a clap my leaves twice in a row!”


Sunflower simply turned to the lit stove, placed a pan on it, and clapped twice. When she did, a loud sizzling sound was heard from the pan and steam could be seen flying out of it! It also quickly smelled of meat! Curious, Alex quickly went over to the stove and looked into the pan. Sure enough, to his surprise, Alex saw raw beef cooking in the pan!

“Now THAT’S amazing!” Alex told the Plant. “But wouldn’t it just be smarter to have the finished product appear?”

“Well sure, but where’s the fun in cooking at that point?” She then gave another wink and clapped twice again. This time, a container of spices appeared on the counter.

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