After fooling around and having fun for an hour or two, you get ready to head out. It feels nice to not worry about a thing. It feels nice to hold hands on the street without caring who sees you. It just feels nice.

The trip on the train is spent peacefully. You share earphones and listen to some quiet music.

Upon arrival, Jae takes your hand, fingers intertwining, and leads you out onto the open street. The busy people around you don't even take note of your very visible skinship, something you have waited for a long time.

"Where do you wanna go first, love?" Jae smilingly asks you.

"Wherever you want to take me."

You walk around, hand in hand, and talk. You spot an ice cream shop and practically drag Jae there before he gets a chance to say anything.

"A cup with two scoops; one raspberry and one bacon," you request. "Oh, and one boring vanilla in a cone for this one." You point at Jae behind you while ordering for him.

He grabs your wrist and turns you around.

"Hey," he says. "It's not boring. It's called: "Classic"." You giggle at him and deliver a short apology. With a kiss on his cheek, the frown on Jae's face disappears in an instant.

After getting your order, you roam around the streets again.

"Sure you don't wanna taste?" you ask and hold out a spoonful of bacon ice cream. He stares at it for a while. Just as he opens his mouth to take a bite, you purposely guide it into your own mouth. He looks so confused – a little offended, even.

You offer him another spoonful, this time actually giving it to him. He tries to cover up the fact that he is pleasantly surprised but fails. It gets people every time.

A little while later, in the middle of a busy street in Myeongdong, you find a cozy cafè and decide to grab some lunch.

Despite it being the middle of a Wednesday, hoards of people are walking up and down the streets. You notice how one man is taking his time, walking around with his small daughter. A woman dressed in a tight, grey suit stresses by, half-yelling into her phone. Both parts of an awkward teenage couple look uncomfortable with the public skinship, while two elderly rely on each other to get by. You love observing people. Making up stories for their lives. Who they are, what they're doing, where they're going. You really are a people-watcher.

"Jagiya," Jae grabs your attention. You turn your head attentively. He takes your hand on the table.

"Thanks for coming with me. I know we haven't done much, but just being with you," he trails off, staring into your eyes.

"I know. I'm happy to be here too."

The adoration in his eyes warms you up inside. There is nothing but admiration and affection. Neither is there anything else in yours. You know your heart belongs to him. You don't care if he's officially in a relationship or not. Knowing how you feel, how he feels; knowing you care so much for each other makes up for it. That will never change. No matter what.

Jae bites his lip. A look of uncertainty on his face makes you wonder if anything is upsetting him.

"Is something the matter?" you worriedly ask.

"Actually," he stutters. "There's something I'd like to tell you. There was a reason I wanted you to come here with me. Alone," he continues and reaches down into his bag on the floor.

An uneasy Jae is a very rare sight. He never loses his cool. Ever. So seeing him like this, makes you a little nervous.

"You know how much I care about you, right? And how sorry I am because of this big mess with Sohyun and all. It tears me up inside." He pulls out something small, fitting right into his large hands.

"I want you to know it's real. I want to make sure you know how much you mean to me. I want to make you mine so badly. Officially. I hate hiding like this. It sucks more than losing to you in my favorite game."

"Note: Every game," you teasingly correct him. He snorts. "Sorry; go on."

"Right. But yeah. I want to show you. You have to know I'm serious when I say you're the one I want. I really mean it. So." He reveals an elegant ring with a few tiny stones inside the small box in his hands.

Your heart stops. You know you're too young for an engagement. Or at least, you feel that way. You're not sure about him. Still, if he pops the question, you're not sure how to respond.

"I make you a vow with this ring. Someday, I will replace it with the real deal." He slides the simple piece of jewelry down your right ring finger and continues, "It's a promise ring."

You admire the small beauty with watery eyes.

"I have waited for such a long time to say this, and I don't think I can any longer. I love you, (Y/N). I really do."

You look up, surprised and in shock because of this whole situation. You have no words. Your mouth is dry like the Sahara – maybe even worse. You blink a few tears away.

"That is also why I'm going to ask this next question. I know, I'm officially in a relationship. But that doesn't mean it's genuine mutual love. So, (Y/F/N). Will you be my girlfriend?"

Still completely unable to answer without sounding like a dying cat, you nod as you dry your eyes with a napkin.

What in the world did I do to deserve this?

The rest of the day flies by in a rush and all too soon, you're on your way back to Incheon. However, having heard Jae call you his girlfriend several times throughout the day makes it okay. Knowing the reason behind this rather spontaneous trip helps. Though, you would have liked to stay for a while longer.

"Can we stay for a day longer next time?" you beg with a pouty face as you look at him. You're leaning against the window on the train with your feet on Jae's lap.

"Next time we will go for at least a weekend." You smile at each other. What an unbelievably perfect day.

Cheater? (Jae x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now