5; Snapchats Devil Takes A Turn

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I opened up Snapchat, and I saw people doing the X for show or cover stuff. I asked for one of Emma, Tana's cousin and she asked me my thoughts on  Rowan and I chuckled, I knew she'd done it on purpose. Then Lola asked me who the hottest boys were, and I said Kai as one.

His girlfriend slid into my DMs, and started yelling at me. It took a while, but I finally got her back to normal. Afterwards, I went onto the messages between Kaia and I.

| Me: R u in a mood w me?
| Kaia: What pastry do u have bc it has to be short c
| Me: Idk
| Kaia: Check
| Me: Can't idk where my mom put it
| Kaia: J
| Kaia: K*
| Me: It's shortcrust.

The next day Anna's mom dropped her off at my place ready for us to walk to school, yet we have to get Kaia and Riele too..great. And Louis, but he's fine really.

It was 8:15, we had until 8:50 and it wasn't far to walk when my phone turned on.

Message off Kaia...

Kaia: We're going

I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't have to walk with them, my mom dropped me and Anna off by the Library and from there we walked to school, yet in front of us was Tana's bestfriend, Alicia.. She's always nice to me every time I see her, and I had never felt this nervous around her before...

She turned around and shouted, waving. "Hi!" She smiled. "Hannah what's her name?"
To be honest, I was shocked how she remembered MY name. "That's Anna."
Anna glared at me, she doesn't like Alicia, but I do...

As walking, we ended up walking WITH Alicia and her friend, we didn't know the friends name.
"What's that?" Alicia asked, looking at the case Anna was carrying.
She looked up at her. "A trumpet."
Her and her friend giggled. "I play the trumpet." They said, in a jokingly manner doing pretend trumpet symbols, me and Anna both giggled because we knew they were only joking.

We went through a small passage way, where we saw Louis.
"Look!" I called at Alicia. "It's Louis! Are you gonna lick his toes?"
She grinned. "Yes I am!"


Me and Kaia were still on the park, as we'd been for hours on end. It was 7 p.m. and all our friends had gone elsewhere, when Tana, Alicia and a bunch of their friends came.

Louis was out with us, and he caught Alicia's eye. Maybe because he's so short? We'll never know.

Her friend, Jackson, glanced down at Louis'
"What are thooooooose?!" He shrieked, Louis looked up at him clearly not getting the joke.
"They're SANDALS!" He shouted.
Alicia came over. "Can I lick your toes?" She joked, yet Louis got annoyed and was tackling Jackson with a soccer ball, while arguing with Alicia.

Me and Kaia looked at eachother, ready to burst out laughing.
"This is entertaining!" I giggled.
She nodded, also giggling. "Very!"

Back to the present.
We'd all gotten to school when Alicia finally said something to Louis.
"Louis! I heard you have a girlfriend." She grinned.
"I do." He replied, trying to avoid her.
I explained the girlfriend to Alicia, with Anna and Louis walking ahead. I explained how weird his girlfriend, Neve, really was and how tall she is compared to him. It was obvious me and Alicia both disliked her.

I moved on with the day, it was a really good day and it soon became time to go home. I met up with Anna and walked back with Layla and Rebecca, Louis wasn't with Anna so I thought he'd already gone and we were in a hurry.

Everyone departed their separate ways home, and I reached mine. I dug into my bag but couldn't find my keys, I was locked out for about 30 minutes so I went on Snapchat. There was an unopened message off Kaia.

Me: I thought he'd be with Anna
Kaia: Why did u tell Layla and Rebecca ur crushes😂
Me: I didn't?
Kaia: Yea u did u said his name someone told me in the changing rooms😏
Me: Actually Kaia, again, mind ur own business and i was actually saying who said the thing bout Laylas cousin
Kaia: K whatever
Me: U don't know how much u upset me do you?
Kaia: What have i done?
Me: U know what. Bye
Kaia: Bye
Me: Bye

I removed her as a friend, I didn't need or want that kind of negativity in my life. I stayed at home, a few hours later my friend Leo (who I've fallen madly in love with) did X for words. I said X,  and he began typing. My heart beat fast, faster than ever. I opened the message.

Leo🙈❤️: Gorgeous, lit, nice shoes 😂😂
Me: Thx 😂😌
Leo🙈❤️: Np xx

I felt like screaming. A boy I was madly in love with called me gorgeous and sent me kisses. Were things taking a turn?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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