2; Always Forgive, Never Forget.

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Anna went home, and I was walking. Alone. So, I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone.

Snapchat: 1 Message. From: Liam😍❤️

I opened the message as fast as I could, it was the '😂' emoji. I let out a sigh of relief, and asked if he has fake friends.

Me: Do u ever have fake friends
Liam😍❤️: No 😂
Me: Omg where do u get ur friends from 😂😂😂
Liam😍❤️: Walmart buy one get one free👍
Me: Bet u we're on sale 😂
Liam😍❤️: Yea top shelf 😂👍
Me: 😂😂

The last message was sent when I got home and had to pick people up with my dad, I took my phone with me and waited patiently for a message back.
Nothing, so I just shrugged thinking he hadn't read the message yet.

When I got home, to my disbelief it said:
Opened by Liam😍❤️ 26mins ago.
My heart sank, I sent him another message but he didn't reply. I asked why he was ignoring me, and, just, ignored me. I realised that Otto or Oscar had spilled, and I felt like crying.

I immediately took to Twitter to let my feelings out, and I realised how much he meant to me over the 3 days of us talking. I went to message Kaia on Snapchat.

Me: Kaia what did u say to Otto
Kaia: me and Riele just said Li--Leonardo then went after u that's all
Me: So they don't know bout Row
Kaia: no
Me: Oh
Kaia: yeah

Her Snapchat name used to be 'MyNo1' but...she isn't at the moment. So, I just changed it to Kaia.

I was scrolling through social media, and then I got a call off Anna. A video call, on WhatsApp. I pressed on the icon, and pressed accept to her video call.

"Hi." I heard her say through the glitches.
"Heyy." I waved. ''Me and Kaia are friends now, because it wasn't her that really said anything it was Riele. She started it, but didn't say anything."
Anna nodded. "Yeah."
I thought to myself, why am I so forgiving? But brushed the thought off and continued with the chat. It lasted for almost an hour yet we barely talked because I was back and to onto Snapchat. I felt scared to go to school the next day, because when I have a crush I really do fall in love... I hope Kaia and Riele didn't say anything else.

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