Nine - "Well sh*t indeed."

Start from the beginning

That was what made Bowers finally snap. With an angry yell, he picked up a rock and hurled it at Lydia. It was if it flew in slow motion, and then before she even knew it it was right in front of her face. It almost hit the girl too, but at the last possible moment Eddie reached out and hit it away from her.

"Woah, Eds..." she was at a complete loss for words, he'd saved her.

"Don't mention it." He smiled knowingly

Suddenly, Ben stepped forwards and let out a yell, he leaned down to the ground picked up the largest rock he could find and he hurled it at Bowers. It bounced off the top of his head, that was the moment all hell broke loose.

"Rock war!" Richie yelled before he was hit in the face with a rock.

"Don't fucking hurt him!" The freckled girl screamed before throwing a rock at Victor's crotch.

Rocks were flung in every direction, some coming from the losers and some coming at the losers. It was obvious to them all who was winning, but they knew Bowers wasn't going to back down without a fight.

"Fuck you motherfucker!" Hit.

"Suck a dick!" Hit.

"Eddie!" Billie called out as the smaller boy jumped forward into the water, angrily throwing rocks in every direction.

"I got this!"

Soon enough Victor and Belch made a break for it, leaving Henry in a bloody heap on the ground

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Soon enough Victor and Belch made a break for it, leaving Henry in a bloody heap on the ground. All of the losers stopped and stared at the boy who bullied them, reduced to nothing. Lydia almost felt bad. Almost.

"Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie laughed before he turned and walked away with his friends.

"Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie laughed before he turned and walked away with his friends

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Lyds was the last to leave. For a short moment she watched him in awe, so surprised that someone as terrible as Henry Bowers could actually be so weak. It was a pleasant shock.

"Don't fuck with the losers." She walked towards him. The short girl's body towered over Henry's quivering figure. "Don't fuck with my friends."

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now