Arrival part 2

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While I'm with this being, I've learned so much. About the writer, his planet, about those around him, his dreams, and more importantly the rules over him. And this being told me to pick a great granddaughter of her pick. The one who survives the original. But who is that?

And then I found out who. F#$(*%&*#&*^#$&^&^$&&($^&@^$^@^$^@*&^*@#&@*^#@^#^@#@^@# what the? How? How did? I can not believe that she'll do that. And why that identity?

I know that she crosses universes before. But as that person, I can even fathom. Is it guilt, convenience, or just plain sickness. Even worse, is that the deceased whose identity is taken is aiding her.

It has and hasn't happened yet. Her success rate in her actions is almost 100%. She only failed once. That is an impressive record of her being. No wonder that the other celestial being wants that one to be picked. But why me?

Apparently I have something that the girl needs. I guess that is enough. But, I have my reserves and the being told me once other thing. "Have her win at all costs."

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