What your a Ghoul!!!

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Recap - I looked outside to see it was getting dark, knowing that I could hunt in the next few hours.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip to night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


As I looked out of my window, I saw the moon calling out all ghouls, that they could now hunt without being killed/caught as, nobody liked ghould but I honestly dont get why as ghould are amazing and talented, I would love to tell my friends from work but I'm scared that they would turn me in because I'm a ghoul as if you catch a ghoul you get fame as apparently we are dangorouys creatures that kill, for no reason wich is compleate bull shit as not all ghouls are bitches that eat no fucking stop. I look through my journal as I wrote down my killing plans in there so I wouldn't get caught as I look through the book I see my mask that has a  wolf painted on it, I put in on my black belt as I put my hood up keeping myself hidden.

3rd person

As, you leave you room to hunt you don't know that someone else is on the hunt for pray as well as yourself. You come out of your appartment and walk to the allys as most people who are easy to target down down there plus no one will hear there screams as the beg for mercy as you rip their fless off their bones, with no mercy as you need to eat. You walk down to your normal ally and put on your mask, making sure no one sees your face, you see someone walking in the distance, you unleash your kagune that resembles Ayato's (he's my fav character from Tokyo ghoul leave me alone), you walk closer to the person, as your eyes turn red and your mouth starts to water as you know that you will finally get a meal 

Levi's POV

I walk down the ally I normally walk down to go hunting as I'm not human, I'm part ghoul, I see a figure at the end off the ally staring at me I slowly put my mask on as I walk up to the figure ready to attack, my eyes turn crimson, as my blood boils with excitement, knowing that I will eat in the matter of seconds. I quickly run behind a bin trying not to been seen by this human so I can sneak up on them and eat. 

3rd person 

As you both get ready to attack, (f/n) approaches the figure, with hunger in her eyes, whilst Levi makes sure the 'prey' doesn't realise that he's a ghoul until its too late, Levi attacks first by kicking you down to the floor, your eyes widen as you try to comprehend what just happened as a human wouldn't dare fight against a ghoul, you thought this, Levi see's your kagune, and offers you a hand, your eyes widen as you take his hand and pull him to the floor then roll on top of him pinning him to the floor so you think that you can eat, Levi suddenly pulls out his kagune showing you that he is also a ghoul "Oi brat, what the fuck do you think your doing?" Levi's harsh and cold voice, makes you jump off him and he takes the opportunity to pin you, as revenge. You remember Levi's voice your eyes widen as you ask "Levi is that you?", Levi automatically jumps back as he hears your voice remembering, what happened earlier that day, as he did this he stands up, you jump back onto your feet and remove your mask, "Levi it's me (f/n), do you remember me from earlier with Hanji?" you ask him he simply nods and takes off his mask and looks at your still red eyes, "yes brat I remember you" he says with a hint of joy in his voice. You laugh as he calls you a brat as you know that he doesn't really mean it as he's not that heartless that everyone makes him out to be, as you know that he has a soft stop for people but only certain ones such as your self as he's not as harsh, on you as he is compared to Hanji or anyone else.

Your eyes light up as you, realise that why he looked at you with a smirk in the restaurant, when you said you need to go to the bathroom. He brakes your train of thought by saying "how long have you known you were a ghoul?" "I've known that I was a ghoul from a young age, as my friend cut herself and the smell of blood made me, happy and I felt the need for flesh" you replied with a smile. 

hope you enjoyed this, I'll update tomorrow, have a good night and don't let any ghouls eat you 

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