Book Seventeen: (9/26-10/6)

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Next book is The Empress by zlatoluna


Ten years ago I barged into the darkened bedroom, pointed my gun at the Emperor's head and pulled the trigger. I did it for me, for dad, for Louis, for revolution, the last bullet fired before the rebels took over the palace and prepared to declare a republic.

Now I'm the Empress, the single most powerful person of the empire, expected to follow the protocol and marry the prospect that offers us the most profit in the long run. They don't know why that's never going to happen, why I have to get rid of Prince Sion who just won't give up, regardless of how much I'd like to let him closer. My name is Julianna and I will stand up to those who become a threat to me or the country. Even if they do happen to be the very same rebels who fought by my side ten years ago. Even if they happen to be Louis.

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