I dont know what to do. Been so long since ive been here

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Really. I just check my notifications and that's it.

Also I can't seem to sleep, probably cause I'm staring at a screen. 9-25-17 today. Beautiful day.

Also, I'm semi sick, despite this I went to school like a good child and didn't complain at all that I'm sick and I want to stay home.

Fuck the HPST prep shit I have to do. Djkwlslfkd

I absolutely despise my Chinese and choir homework (who dafuq gives 60+ students homework to record themselves and has the fracking time to listen to all 10 minutes of the same songs over and over with varying degrees of
tone ranging from AMAZBALLS to your voice is shit the fuck did you even get to this level) which I am shit at.

I did say I vent a lot. If I swear around my mom she freaks like I explained so I'm sad ;w;.

I can't swear at school or at home, so I'll do it here and alone.

Oh yeah! I gotta request from an irl Undertale fan friend (we bonded over it yay a friend) to do Ganz in a school girl uniform yay :3

When the heck do I have the bleh time to do this! At night? Right now? I should....but I doubt it'll look good.

Socializing is becoming a chore.

Something I usually don't like to do but have to do to get through life without to much problems. Oh yeah 8th graders have to do a lot of fundraising for their class cause lots of class activities yay.

So soon we've got Halloween. Halloween 8th graders host a haunted house and graveyard run in the gym and field (btw my schools smol, 250 about students ranging from prek to 8th grade, one class for each grade about 30 students per grade.)

Sigh. I'm in a group with my friends and best friend? Don't know if I should call her that anymore, she mostly avoids me and we barely talk anymore and I'm wondering if she's jealous of me also being friends with her friends.

I explained our little quartet, all are smart and athletic and I'm semi smart and not very athletic. So I'm basically the odd one out I guess? We kinda balance each other out.

I'm the oldest and the dumbest, somehow I'm in advance math? I'm ok and singing and art. Currently I'm learning guitar, beginning piano, and playing snare/tom drums for the advance band. I'm weak in anything athletic and don't try super hard, just my nature of laziness and tiredness I guess. I like soccer the best, I know the basics of some sports being a Jack of all trades (correct idiom?).

Then we've got MAP, she's good at everything, except some sports (she specializes in competitive swimming). She's good at art and singing and piano, she's the youngest of us but she's a strong girl. I like to singing with her a lot, and she's got a plan for our school's talent show with her, JB, RO, a few other girls and me sometime in April or something. Vietnamese and has two younger sisters.

And then we've got JB, she's the happy one, at least to me. Always makes people happy. She brings the mood up and plays clarinet. She's smart and very good at basketball and running. She's the second youngest but the tallest. Arabic and has two younger brothers.

And then we've got RO, she's the one I feel I'm not close with anymore, and I'm sad about it. Also good at piano and great at math (KUMON is apparently torture). Japanese and has one younger brother. She's strong and arm wrestles with JB. They are tied, it never finishes. She's been hanging out with the boys more now... but she's seems to dislike me. I say good morning, she doesn't respond or gives me a weird look. MAP and JB says good morning, she starts a friendly conversation with them.

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