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Okay, so I've been getting a lot of complaints and I was already thinking of doing this but would you like an alternative ending? By alternative ending, I mean one where Tris doesn't die. It'll probably be only one or two chapter maybe three at most but she will live. I can promise that. So, of you want me to rewrite the ending, I shall. I will still leave the other ending up but add this new ending. Please comment if you want a new ending and PM me of you have an idea on what I can do or if you want to see a particular thing happen. I love reading your feedback. Also, can you please check out my other stories if you haven't already? Some are coming soon once I finish up some of my other stories like Over The Edge and There Must Be Some Mistake but my Breathing Without Him and Hiding in the Shadows are being updated simultaneously. I don't even know if I used that word in the right context but eh. So, please vote, comment, spread the word and read! 'Till the next time my little muchkins.

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