Chapter 7

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Readers POV

Fortunately for Levi's group and myself, we hadn't run into any titans. Situated in the middle of the group, I whipped my horse a little faster in order to keep up with Levi's pace.


Turning my attention to the back of the group, I saw Eld, the second in command of Levi's squad, racing past me on his horse to the front of the group where Levi was. He frantically said something, nodded his head a few times in agreement, and then slowed his horses pace down in order to return to his position in the formation.

"Eld, what's wrong?"

Without even turning his eyes towards me he bluntly said, "Just focus your attention to what your doing and we'll take care of everything else."

I mumbled a quick apology and then Eld quietly whispered to me, "Levi told me not to tell you, but something apparently took out an entire squad on the right. And it seems to be heading to us."

My eyes were wide open now. The entire right squad. What is this thing that's coming...?

"Just be careful alright."

"Thanks, Eld." And for one second, I swore I saw a smile form on his face. It was always good to see this side of Eld, usually he just kept  to himself and when he spoke, it was often quite blunt.

I then refocused my attention back forwards when I realised that we had reached the entrance to the Forest of Giant Trees. Following behind Levi,  only our group entered the forest whilst the other groups circulated the border of the forest.

Why are we changing our formation?  As we entered the forest, I voiced my concern to Captain Levi.


"Tch, what brat?"

"What do you mean 'what'?! We're the only ones in the forest, how will we know when titans are approaching?"

"Stop asking dumb questions and look around you. We're in a forest filled with huge trees. It's the ideal place to fight with our gear. Now, if you guys don't want to die, I would start preparing your gear."

Closing my eyes for a few seconds and then opening them again, I realised that Levi and the others had a plan. They didn't tell me because they wanted me to learn for myself. I'm sure that's how the veterans learned the art of war.

"What the fuck is happening right now."

"Shit. This is unbelievable." 

Turning my head towards the whispers, Petra, Gunther, and Oluo looking confused and terrified. They continued whispering to themselves about what was happening.

Don't tell me they aren't sure what's happening as well. What if...what if Levi doesn't even know what's happening as well. We are so fuc-

My thoughts were cut of when a bang like explosion was fired into the air, and then black smoke filled the air.

"Black smoke. The thing that killed the right side is now closing in on us," Eld said.

"Oi. Time to draw your swords out. If that thing appears, we won't have time. It'll kill us immediately," Levi instructed us.

We kept a moderate to fast pace going and that's when I heard it. Footsteps that vibrated the entire floor beneath us. I turned my attention to the back and I see one of the Survey Corps members fly out from the tree to prevent the thing from approaching us. Before my eyes even blinked, a hand belonging to a titan appeared from behind the trees and whacked at the Survey Corps member. I looked at the now lifeless body on the ground and all his internal organs that spilled out by the force of the titans hand. Scanning the titan from its feet to its head, our eyes meet. It stared right into my eyes, and deep into my soul. And then it's mouth formed into something. A smile? 

"CAPTAIN. IT'S FAST, AND IT'S CATCHING UP TO US. GIVE US ORDERS, " Petra yelled at Levi who was now in complete confusion. 

However, Levi ignored her and continued riding his horse.


I turned around and then saw two more reinforcements, but again, before they could even lay a blade on the titan, it grabbed onto their 3D manoeuvre gear line and flipped them onto the grond without any hesitation.

Petra and Oluo looked at each other terrified, and both yelled to Levi about giving them orders and switching to our 3D gear for more speed to fight against the titan.

Why is Levi not doing anything? The titan is going to catch up to us any moment, and we're still on the ground on our horses. 

"Tch. Time to cover your ears everyone."

Everyone looked at Levi who had now lifted a silver gun that looked similar to the other signal flare guns. But this one was different. Everyone looked confused at the object, as they had never seen such item before.

"I will tell you once more. Cover your ears, brats."

Lifting the gun into the air, we covered our ears as a piercing sound that made even the birds fly away in pain from the noise filled the air. It was the sound of the beginning of a war. And Levi was the one that led us right into the heart of it.



Apologies for the hiatus, it's exam period time so definitely no writing for me for 3 more weeks :( Once I finish my exams, i will be back with finishing this story and will also be continuing with my other story called 'Another Chance' . Please check the story out :) 

Here is the link:

Anyway, that's all for now. In the mean time, please follow me on my social media accounts:

(p.s. I do matchups for AoT and Haikyuu, so if you want one feel free to ask me through the above Tumblr. ALSO, please read match up rules before sending your requests in :) )

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Have a super amazing day everyone, and once again thankyou so much for 1K reads! See you next time! :3

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