Lots of Help

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[Yes, I know that this image is used a lot, but just work with me]

Your POV

"I DON'T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT DATING!" I screamed to myself.  "And that's why I'm here darling!"  And what do ya know, Mettaton kicks open my door and walks right in.  "Were you waiting this whole time?"  I asked. "Why of course not!  I heard you from next door."  I panicked a bit because Sans might of heard me, then the whole thing might be ruined or something.  

"So, how are you gonna help me?"  I asked again.   "Just watch and learn from the professionals!"   "Professionals?  Who else do you have with you?"  He gave me a little smirk before calling out "BLOOKIE!"  Then a shy little Napstablook floated in my house.  "Blookie here will be my assistant to help me teach you about dating the perfect way! FIRST THINGS FIRST!"

Mettaton lead me to my kitchen where he sat me down on one side of the table, then he sat on the opposite side of me with Napstablook by his side.  "Blookie, get me some flowers" Mettaton ordered, so Napstablook went off in a random direction in the search for flowers.  "Now darling!  The first you must know about dating, is the awkwardness!!" "The awkwa-"  "HUSH!  You musn't make things awkward when it comes to a perfect date because it will scar you for the rest of your life!  So to keep things . . . not awkward, talk about stuff that both of you are comfortable with, and never let silence take over!"  "Okay?  So basically, don't be awkward!"  "Yes darling! Now I wan;t you to practice this date with me before the actual thing, but don't make it awkward!"  

After he finished his sentence. Napstablook came back with one single rose.  "Ah, perfect Blookie, now stay on the side."  So without hesitating, Napstablook went on the side, and the practice date began.  Mettaton handed me the rose and began a conversation.  I continued the conversation with things I could relate to, and the fake date was actually going pretty well.  "Good first round darling, now for the next steps!"   "Wait!? That was only the first round!?"  Before I could protest, he grabbed my arm and took me to his place for farther lectures.

At Mettaton's place, I paid attention to every single detail because I needed all the help I could get, but I'm gonna leave out all of the . . . Mettaton lessons, mostly the lessons like dramatically getting emotional, or making the spot light on you, I'm just gonna go with the other USEFUL lessons.  After "dating school" with Mettaton, I had to walk home from there which was only a 10 minute walk.  Thank god it was only 5 in the afternoon.  On my way home, I say Undyne jogging past me with Alphys by her side.  "Hay Y/N!"  She shouted, then she picked up Alphys and ran over to me.  "Whatcha doin here?"  She asked as she put Alphys down.  "Oh, I was just walking home from Mettaton who was giving me dating lessons."  I responded.  "Ha!  Listen punk, forget everything that metal head taught you and just go with your gut!"  Wha-? "Y-ya!  Listen to what U-undyne said, because Sans is a p-pretty simple guy, so just go with y-your gut!"  Alphys added.  "Thanks for informing me guys about that!"  "No problem kid!  Just try not to get caught in Mettaton's lessons, you won't last another one!"  

We laughed together and went our own directions. I decided to go with what I want to do, but still take some of Mettaton's lessons, the useful ones.  On my way home, I felt a common feeling.  I turned around, but nobody was following me, I felt shivers on my back and walked faster before the sun set.  I looked behind me again, but nobody, I swear, it feels like someone is following me! I saw my house and ran through the door and locked it.  I let out a sigh of relief and went into my room.  "What to wear?"  I asked myself.  I opened my wardrobe and searched for something, but nothing because I kinda just moved in.  "Nuuuuu!"  I cried in panic.  I looked around my room, and I saw something laid on my bed with a little sticky note on it.  " I got you covered darling!   - Mettaton"  The note said.  I wondered if Napstablook placed this while he went looking for a rose.  Under the note was a brown box, so I opened it to reveal a lovely dress yet simple shirt dress.  "This is actually perfect."  I smiled. 

Traveler (Sans x Reader) [DISCOTINUED AT THE MOMENT! I MIGHT CONTINUE?]Where stories live. Discover now