Yet, Here You Are

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The Ghost Of You Chapter 2

Your Point Of View, Present Day


I felt...cold.

And wet, but not soaking. Damp.

I opened my mouth and drew in a sharp breath, gasping for air as if it was the first time I had breathed in years. Where am I? I was on a bus...We were on a trip to... NYC I believe. But now it's...dark. Oh wait. My eyes were closed. It was hard to open them, like I had fallen asleep with tears in my eyes and now they were crusty and glued shut. I forced my eyes open and even on a cloudy day, the outside still burned my eyes.

I sat up slowly. I was in a forest? There were dead trees and leaves everywhere. What the hell am I doing here? It would take me hours to get home. Wait. Home? Where's that? I remember somebody. Miley? No. They're a guy. Mike? No. It's missing something. Suddenly, a guy with fringed brown hair and glasses flashed into my mind. "Mikey..." I said out loud. My voice was hoarse and I realized my mouth was as dry as cotton. I remember where Mikey lived. Of course I knew where he lived! We're...friends? friends? Or are we related? Think...think... Realization hit me and I blushed. Oh. Right. Well, I better go visit that gorgeous man so I can tell him about this crazy day. Waking up in a forest after going on a trip. Wild. I stood up and stumbled around for a little while before finally getting my legs to work properly and thus I was on my way.

Mikey's Point Of View

I got up and got dressed and then turned on the T.V. I watched random things that came on without putting any actual thought into what I was watching. Just staring blankly at a screen while it changed colors and showed entusiastic game show hosts and women in revealing clothes. I'm living the dream. Suddenly my phone rang loudly. Ugh. I picked it up and looked at the Caller I.D. It was Gerard.

Hasn't he bothered me enough today? Normally he wouldn't bother to apologize after we had arguments... I ignored it anyway and continued to mindlessly watch T.V. My phone rang again, followed by a message from Gerard that said "Mikey please pick up you won't believe this." Now, I was getting pissed. Is he calling me just to tell me about some comic deal he got? I'm really really not in the mood.

This time, I picked up the phone just so I could tell him off, but before I could say anything he cut me off.

"Mikey, this is going to sound fucking bat-shit insane but you have to believe me. You need to listen to me. Y/n. Sh-She's here. Right. Here. In front of me. Breathing. Alive." I felt something completely shatter inside of me.

"No! Fuck you, Gerard! That's just fucking cruel! Do you honestly think that's funny!? It's not! I loved her and you go and do this on the anniversary!? Seriously!? Never talk to me again, asshole!" Before he could respond I jabbed the 'End Call' button and threw my phone across the room. Who does he think he is?

Your Point Of View, before the phone call

Is this the right house? I think so. I remember a 'Way' living here. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it softly. A man with medium length red hair opened the door and looked at me in shock, terror and disbelief. Ohhh I think this is... Gerald? Gerard! That's right.

"Y/n...?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah is Mikey here? I think I may have the wrong house..." he just continued to stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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