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It was the first day on set for season three of Gotham. Cory had just arrived when he heard a commotion from the boys dressing rooms. Another sound rang through the building, this one sounded like a gunshot. Cory concerned for all his friends he had grown to love ran over to see what was happening. He walked into Ben's change room and was shocked yet relieved to see everyone there smiling and safe all crowded around a cake with blue filling. It was Ben and Morena's baby reveal cake. They were all so excited for them, they seemed so happy together and have both always loved kids. Once everyone had calmed down and finished celebrating they started the table read for episode one. Ben couldn't stop smiling the whole time, which made some of his lines hilarious, and Morena looked like she could cry tears of joy any time. Everyone else played their part great as always, well except Robin.

Robin seemed... not sad, but distant. He wasn't really there, you could almost see the gears in his head spinning as he was thinking about anything and everything other than Oswald Cobblepot. To be completely honest even Robin didn't know what he was thinking about. Robin had just gotten into a fight with his boyfriend Travis. Travis was complaining about Robins late hours and his many, many days working. Robin explained that it is the same as last year and the year before but Travis said he was sick of it and needed him to be around more. They had been together for just under two years so Robin hoped that he would understand, but he didn't. There is next to no way he can be home more. You can't exactly just "switch shifts" or change things to work better for you because most(if not all) of the scenes you will film have others in them too, and of course the directors and supervisors and others. Travis just couldn't understand. Robin needed to talk to someone, and he needed to soon or he would explode. But who could he talk to? He could talk to his mother or father but they have enough to worry about with his sister Susan. She is going to medical school, which is really expensive and stressing out the whole family. He can't talk to any of his castmates, none of them know he is dating someone, or that he's gay. It's not that Robin is ashamed or anything, but with everything happening with the government in the USA right now it's maybe not the best time to come out. If he did the internet would definitely find out and he can't deal with that kind of hate and abandonment again.

The table read had finished and it was time to start shooting. The first scene they shot was of Jim looking at Lee's house and seeing her kiss another man, hiding her baby bump was a challenge, but they pulled it off well. It was funny to watch though. This gave Robin lots of time to think and to calm down. By the time he was up to shoot he had gotten his hair, makeup, and wardrobe done, with some reminders from Erin. He delivered his scene as Oswald perfectly. He only had to shoot one scene that day so he left when he could to go home and try to fix things with Travis. When he got home Travis was in his usual spot, on the couch in front of the T.V. with a bottle of scotch in his hand. "Hey Trav." Robin said kindly as he walked past. "Hey." was all he got in response. Robin went to their room to put his scripts on his desk for later, collected his thoughts, and went to the living room to talk with Travis. "Okay, so I know that you're upset about me working but if I promise to come home as soon as I am done work would that help? I'll even stay up late with you to just cuddle and watch movies on the couch if you would like." Travis didn't respond. "Please Travis, I miss you, I miss us." after about half a minute Travis responded, "I miss you too, but please try to film your scenes quickly and get home as soon as you can, I miss our movie nights." "Yes, Yes, of course, I promise" Robin wrapped his arms around Travis for a tight hug, "I love you." "I love you too."

Meanwhile back at the set Ben and Donal were filming a bar scene while Jada and Camren were having a dance party. "This feels weird without Robin, he is always dancing with us. Do you know why he left in such a hurry today?" Camren asked. Jada shrugged, "He seemed upset at the table read but no I don't know why." Jada replied. Cory, waiting to see if he would be filming today, overheard their conversation. Thinking about what they said, he realized that they were right, Robin did look upset earlier. Robin and Cory were pretty close, they would always do press together which led to them talking more often. They had never gotten together to hang out, except when the whole cast would do things. Cory couldn't help but feel worried for his friend, he decided to text him.

Cory: Hey Robin, I noticed at the table read today that you seemed down. if you need to talk you can talk to me. I'm here for you!

It was getting close to 5:30 pm so Cory figured Robin was having supper and was too busy to check his phone. An hour later, once Cory had arrived at his home he checked his phone, there was a text.

Robin: I'm better now thanks, long night. Thank you for checking in, See you tomorrow.

Cory: Anytime!

"I hope he's okay," Cory thought to himself. Robin was a very independent person and didn't ask for help a lot. He didn't like the attention to be on him. Cory had a feeling that he really wasn't okay, and he was right. Robin hated when Travis would get drunk. His hugs felt different, his "I love you"'s sounded different too. Travis had passed out on the couch, so Robin went to bed after the movie was over. Little did they know, that that was their last movie night for at least a week.

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