Chapter thirteen:three years later

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       Two months, it's been two months since that night in the cabin and the day Nashi went on that mission with Pastel. Both are yet to return and everyone is on edge seeing how it was supposed to take a week.

      Saying that someone walks through the door that I don't recognize. By the looks of it, he seems to be a messenger and I hate those people.

      "Hello, how can we help you," Mira said politely.

      "I'm a messenger for the client who has requested to have a demon eradicated," the messenger said describing the job Nashi and Pastel took, this can't end well, can it.

        "Ok, are they ok," Lucy said clenching Natsu's arm, these are her daughters so she has every right to be worried about them.

        "Well we have a reason to believe they're dead," the guy said and the looks he gets I can tell he wished he wasn't the one to deliver the message.

          "Can you tell us why?"Natsu asked, trying to be calm for Lucy who didn't look so well, she did just get news that her daughters could be dead.

             "A month ago a villager spotted over forty demons which we didn't know about with both girls fighting. When we went to see the girls weren't their or any demons" the messenger said and Lucy's face went pale

       "Lucy Nashi is strong; she is probably alive along with pastel," Erza said, trying to reason and I like Erza's explanation. She's probably alive right.

        "No, her magic is at its full power when she is with me without me her magic we'll start to weaken because I have to do this spell to disconnect her magic link from me but have not done it yet her magic runs off of my magic if I and Natsu were with her she would be unstoppable, "Lucy said crying into Natsu's chest and he just rubbed her back.

Three years later-


         Three years, it's been three years since we received news that my babies were dead. The girls that I raised. Gone, I should have gone with them. I don't know why I thought they were good alone.

      The front doors open and my heart stops to see that same messenger from three years ago, he was the one who informed me that my babies were dead. What is he doing here after all this time?

      "Oh it's good to see you after three years," Erza said and smiles at him.

          "I came here with good news," he said smiling and this catches my attention. Good news. Are they alive, can they even be alive after all these years?

        "What is it?"Erza asked

       "We found Pastel Heartfilia and Nashi Heartfilia... Alive," he said, everyone 's faces went shocked before relief washed over me. They are alive.

         "I came here to bring you to our town. The girls will arrive tomorrow night, "he said. Everyone ran to the train station and got a ticket. Natsu sat next to me hugging me tightly. Our babies are alive and I couldn't be happier.

       "They're going to be fine, "Natsu said I fell asleep


       I sit in the back of the Magic Van, I look at my beaten sister who is laid on a stretcher. She is pretty injured. I am too but I alone have a broken leg, broken arm and a few cracked ribs but they don't have the supplies to help.

        I don't blame them seeing how they didn't expect to find us out here after all this time. They said it's been three years since we've been classified dead. I wonder how mom took the news. Probably terrible.

         I readjust the blanket as it is soaked with my blood. I look over to the little girls who I have been taking care of for like two years now, they are both four.

        Nashi should be awake soon but they don't know, she is in a coma. We are on our way back to the village and the whole guild is waiting for us. I mean I do have to be carried because they don't have another Stretcher here with them.


        We wait as two magic vans pull up and the last one seems to have medical supplies. When the other opens a stretcher is pulled out and I see pink hair, Nashi. Blood covers her and a tube going down her throat. Tears well up in my throat.

       Two little girls are brought out and taken somewhere and then I gasp when someone lifts Pastel out and she's covered in blood, her leg looks broken as it's bent slightly forward. Dirt covers her. Doctors also follow Nashi and Pastel as they are put into separate small houses. They are classified as medical housing.

       A fair bit later a doctor walks over to us and I clench Natsu's hand tightly, I'm nervous.

       "While looking at the two, Pastel has broken ribs, cracked ribs, bruised ribs, a broken leg and a broken arm with a large open cut on her back and some mirror swelling and bruising, her estimated recovery time is about a month or two minus the broken bones while Nashi is in a coma, has a large stab wound going through her stomach and some minor swelling and bruising she will take more time to heal that Pastel," the doctor says and I nod.

-twenty minutes later

Pastel :

               I woke up feeling a hundred times better and I saw Bay and Skylar are next to me smiling. They ask if we can go outside. When a nurse comes in he helps me over to a bench near a tree and the girls follow.

             We sit next to a willow tree and once he leaves the girls to sit around me and I begin to gently sing for the girls. [ the song up top next to the photo]


           A male nurse came and told us pastel was outside next to a large willow tree. Upon walking over there we all heard singing, we looked and we sang pastel singing to the little girl softly. One of the little girls is asleep by the end.

           "Good night Bay and Skylar, "she said quietly and stroked their little heads. The kids are cute.

          "Hey pastel,"Wendy said as we approached them and she looked up and smiled at us.

           "Hey guys," Pastel said smiling.

           "How are you,"Mira asked, trying to be nice.

          "Well I can't use my legs so other than that I'm good,"Pastel said laughing and we all laughed.

         "Oh hey, who's the girls?"Lucy asked, motioning to the little girls by her side.

         "Well I found them in the forest, Bay, her parents were killed by zeref and her friends and family. So, I took her in. Skylar, we found in a cell underground so Nashi took her"Pastel said the little girls moved closer to Pastel Hugging her we smiled she fell asleep we left and went to sleep it's late.

Nashi heartfilia the child who has no father [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now