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It was my first time coming back to South Korea alone, i had a few problems but managed to get here safely. My mother's friend should be here to collect me since i have nowhere to stay. I was a little bit anxious but excited, going back to school and just being here.

I see them i think, a couple holding a huge sign with my name on it, very embarrassing, however, I've never met them so i was clueless if it was actually for me or not. My instinct was to just go to them, and so i did. And my instinct was correct!

After greeting them and having a small talk I learned they have two sons. I also learned that they are super lively for parents,, who seem old(ish). No offense to them lmao.


When we arrived there was this really nicely built house; settling down in their house I realized that one of the sons was Joochan,, my old crush. I started to smile at myself because I couldn't wait to see him again. Just looking at his pictures makes me blush already. I will be attending to the same school as i did before and i'm really excited to see my friends again also.

"Yeoreum! Come quickly and help me!"

I ran downstairs with a glee look and stopped when i saw two guys. One of them was small and cute whilst the other-

my mouth was agape as i looked at him. Still so handsome, Joochan gave me a look of confusion then walked past me, i frowned and looked at the ground; i don't think he remembers me. But being optimistic, i highly doubt that since i only left a few months ago.

Smiling at my sudden thought, i looked up and saw Joochan's little brother(?) is it creepy if i say he will grow up to be a fine man? He kind of smiled at me but then laughed, running upstairs. I shook my head and went to where Mrs Hong was.

"Ahh there you are, can you please help me with the washing up?"


After a few hours of house chores, i felt tired and really hungry. I wanted to speak to Joochan but I can't just go up to him and say 'i want to talk to you i miss you blah blah' so i wrote a letter instead,, wOAHH SO CLICHE, i know. my body was in doubt when i slid the envelope under his door when his brother went to the bathroom. Kekeke I'm so sneaky,

At dinner, Mrs. and Mr. Hong were in the living room talking about something which is totally irrelevant to me. But me, Joochan and his brother, who i found out is called Chan, sat at the eating silently - i wondered if this is how they eat every single day or if it's just because i'm here. It was so awkward.


I stopped eating, mouth full of rice, looked around and noticed Joochan was looking at me so i pointed to myself "me?". He rolled his eyes and took something out of his pocket. A folded piece of paper, i instantly thought of the letter that i wrote to him and kind of grinned because i thought he replied to my letter. Yep, i thought...

So I happily opened it...

To my disappointment, it wasn't a letter that he had written back to me but instead It was MY letter with corrections. Like grammatical and etc. I looked back up at him, Chan was cluelessly staring at us both.

"Make sure to proofread your work, otherwise you look like an idiot,
If there is one thing you should know about me
Is that i despise idiotic girls"


"Are you deaf. I wont repeat myself, so enjoy your food."

Me and Chan stared at him as he walked upstairs, a loud slam was heard moments later, Chan stood up slowly and was about to walk away.

"Wait! Can you please ask him if he remembers me?"

"Pabo.." he muttered and shook his head. I stared at him helplessly as he walked off as well.. by the time both guys were upstairs Mrs and Mr Hong came and sat.

"Where are the other two?"

" they went upstairs"

"Aish,, those lousy kids, by the way you need to start calling me mother" she smiled

"alright, sure!"

We all continued to eat, and after that i neatly placed food on a tray and brung it upstairs to Joochan's room. I knocked once.

"Who is it?"

"Uh its me, Yeoreum. So you didn't finish dinner. I brought some food here for you and Chan"

Nobody replied. I left the food on the floor and knocked again.

"I'll leave the food here so when you want you can come and eat"

I smiled at the ground and turned, the door opened and somebody grabbed my hand. My head whipped back and i saw Joochan holding onto my wristtt,,,, ASDFGHTVGH FANGIRL MODE. AIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE  (a/n: idek why i did this to myself)

There was a silence, and he was staring at me, i was about to open my mouth and ask him something but he quickly let go of me and said

"forget it"

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