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It's late at night when Craig walks out of Roberts house. He looks around him and sees a light on in one of the houses and a silhouette of a woman. The only woman he knew of that was living in the cul-de-sac was Joseph's wife, Mary.
The silhouette moves, showing the woman drinking from a wine glass.
"This late at night?" Craig thinks.
Craig has been standing on the sidewalk for a while, forgetting to move. He finally moves towards his house, the light to Joseph's house flicks off.
At his door, Craig reaches into his pocket to grab his keys. They're not there. Without a second thought he walks back to Roberts house and walks in, heading to Roberts room. He tries to make as little noise as possible, but he flunks and accidentally knocks a glass off the side table. Robert jerks awake, pulling a knife out from underneath his pillow.
"Robert, it's me" Craig says reassuringly.
Roberts shoulders slump and he slides the knife back under the pillow.
Why would he have a knife? This neighborhood is pretty safe, as far as Craig knows.
Craig walks over near the bed, searching the floor for his keys. Roberts reaches out and grabs Craig's arm.
"Don't leave me" Robert mumbles.
Craig hesitates, "I have to Robert, my kids need me"
Robert sighs, desperately wanting to have Craig by his side.
"Tomorrow?" Robert asks.
Craig thinks for a moment, "if you come jogging with me, then maybe. The kids have school tomorrow."
Robert whines, but also thinks about it.
He eventually agrees, with a catch.
"If I go jogging with you, you have to go cryptids with me." Robert chuckles.
Fear floods into Craig's eyes. He's never done that before.
Giving in, Craig agrees.
"I have to go home now. Do you know where my keys are?" He asks.
Roberts smirks and rolls over, shoving his hand in between the mattress and it's frame.
He pulls out the keys and hands them to Craig. Craig is about to get back up when Robert grabs his face and kisses him gently. Shocked, Craig kisses back.
Craig reluctantly pulls away and Robert whines again.
"Tomorrow" Craig says.
Robert nods and flops back down onto his bed while Craig hurries out the door.

Craig makes it inside and all is silent. Good, the kids are still asleep. He locks the door behind him and heads to his room. He falls onto his bed, thoughts of Robert flashing through his mind.
His pants become tighter and he sighs.
He knows that he got done with Robert not long ago, but he can't help but be aroused. That man, so dark and brooding, so handsome.. so..
his thoughts stop and he pulls down his bottoms. He grazes his cock, not wanting to give into temptation.
Rubbing the tip of his head, he shudders. He can't stop, he puts his hand in his boxers and slowly starts pumping his erect cock.
He moans quietly, imagining Roberts hands on him, his lips on his neck.
Lost in his daydream, he keeps stroking himself.
Minutes later, Craig reaches his climax and comes all over himself. He giggles a bit, amused at how wild his imagination can get. He gets up and grabs some night clothes from his dresser. Before heading to the bathroom he opens the door to Rivers room and looks inside. There's a shadow of a person in the corner. Craig's drops his clothes and flips on the light, running inside the room. He sees the figure escape through the open window. River starts wailing, Craig woke her with the sudden light.
Craig's hurries over to the crib and scoops River into his arms, swaying her gently in his grip. He slides River onto one arm and walks out the room. Making a bottle for her with one hand, River gurgles and he looks down at her. Her eyes are bright and she looks happy, despite what just happened in her room. After shaking up the bottle he heads to his room and sits down on his bed. He sings a song quietly while she lazily drinks the liquid.
Eventually River passes out, Craig puts her in the crib he has in his room. Before going to shower he checks that all the windows are locked. Walking through the hallway, back to Rivers room and picks up his clothes.
After a long, nice shower, Craig is settled in bed. He checks his phone, no notifications. He stares up at the ceiling until he falls asleep.

Dear god, the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away..

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