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Robert wakes up to find himself alone. Last night was fun for him, he misses Craig already.
He decides to shoot Craig a message, hopefully convincing him to come over.

Robert: Hey.
Craig: Hey, dude! What's up?
Robert: Not much, just missing your body under mine ;)
Craig: Hah, that's gay bro.

Robert: Exactly, I'm gay for you.. 😊

Robert wonders if that was too much, but he pushed the thought away when they image of Craig naked body under his pops into his mind.

Robert: Was that weird?
Craig: No bro, that was great.
Robert: Wish you could come over again.. I want to have some more fun.

Robert grabs a drink from his side table and chugs it, waiting for Craig to answer.
Ten minutes later there's still no message from Craig. Robert is bored and horny. He doesn't want to wait any longer, and his hand isn't enough.
He decides to text Brittany, one of the first girls he met at Jim and Kims.

Robert: hey, what's up?
Brittany: Not much. Why? Want me to come over?
Robert: Actually, can I come over?
Brittany: Wow, that's a first. Sure.
Robert: I'll be over in 20.

Robert gets up and lazes his way over to the shower and hops in. While he's washing his hair he thinks about Craig. They've only fucked once, and that was after they met at a bar. It's nothing serious, so why should it matter if he fucks someone else?
Robert steps out of the shower and looks at the time. It's twenty minutes after he was supposed to meet Brittany at her house. He shrugs and flops into bed. He decides he just won't go, hopefully that slut doesn't come over. He doesn't want Craig seeing that.

After twenty more minutes Robert is sound asleep, having wet dreams of course.

After a long, hard game night Craig tucks his children into bed. Before he put the twins in bed he fed and changed Rivers diaper. He turned on the baby monitor and quietly closed the door. Craig lets out a long sigh. He's not quite tired yet though. He heads into the kitchen and opens up the freezer. When he looks inside he sees ice cream, something he's been craving lately. He doesn't want to give into temptation but he thinks he deserves some. At least a bite.

In no time the whole carton of ice cream is gone. Craig scolds himself, wondering if he should go on a run tonight or early tomorrow.

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