Chapter 7: From Bad to Worse

Start from the beginning

"You bastard!" I push him away from me.

"I'm sorry," Bass apologises again as if it matters, and I watch him finally leave the room. The tears are getting harder to hold back as I feel my knees buckle underneath me and I drop to the ground.

He knew all along.

He knew they were gone. I can't believe I fell for his act. I can't believe Ben and Danny are gone. Danny was barely three years old last time I saw him. They didn't deserve to die. I shouldn't have waited so long.

Why did I stay here!? I wasted so much time. I feel the tears start.

I'm not sure how long I was on the ground for; wiping away the tears before one of Monroe's soldiers walked through the doors. If felt like weeks although in reality it was probably no more than a couple of hours.

"I know General Monroe said you could leave if you wanted too but I have other plans for you."

I feel the sharp pinch in my arm before I see the needle. Before I can respond his hand covers my mouth, and I feel my body become too heavy, followed by my swollen and sore eyes.

I hear hooves cantering and clopping against the ground before my eyes open. I'm in a cart and handcuffed to the side rail.

What the hell!?

"Who the hell are you?" I shout loud enough for him to hear me as I struggle against the metal handcuffs.

"You don't need to worry about that," he snickers.

"Bass will find out--"

"Actually no one saw me sneak you out and I've paid another to say that you packed up your stuff and left," he interrupts clearly pleased with his plan working out.

I'm going to break his neck!

"Why are you doing this?" I ask. We're surrounded by trees, and I have no idea where we are.

"I'm a patriot."

What the fuck is a patriot?!


"We're bringing America back."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"Well first the power's going to come back on and then we're going to bomb the Monroe Republic along with the Georgia federation. The East coast will be ours."

"You're crazy," I hiss.

"Just wait; you'll see."

"Why do you need me?"

"They'll be impressed with me when I bring them Monroe's girl. You'll be our insurance policy against Monroe."

"I'm not Monroe's girl!" I hiss and start yanking on the side rail which is when he stops the horses and I hear his feet drop onto the ground, crunching past me.

This can't be happening.

The back of the cart drops and he easily pulls himself on board and creeps towards me. His dark eyes are sending the bad kind of shivers up and down my spine, and I stop pulling on the rail and brace myself before I dislocate my thumb. It takes all my effort to hold in the scream.

"Monroe doesn't care about anyone but himself. I'm of no use to you," I inch backward as he inches closer.

"I used to think that until you came along."

He's a mole.

"You're wrong. I hope you kill the bastard. I'll help you!"

"Shut the hell up!" His hand moves to his zipper, and the sound is almost horrifying since I know what's going to happen next.

"Stop . . . Just stop!" I yell as his hand undoes his belt next and he throws it beside him on the cart.

"You're so beautiful," he grabs my legs and pulls me closer towards him, and I quickly yank my hand free and smack him in the face. It kills but I can't concentrate on the pain; not if I want to get out of here.

He barely flinches before he pounces and his fist collides with my cheek. He tries again but I block his strike and hit him in the nose with the palm of my hand; hearing the snap before I see the blood drip onto his lip.

"You stupid bitch!" He rolls over clutching his nose and I dig around in his pocket with my free hand and grab the keys.

I need at least one fully functioning hand.

Thankfully there are only three keys and I luck out on the second one and the relief sweeps through me as I hear the click. I quickly remove the remaining handcuff and stand to my feet, but his hand wraps around my ankle and I face plant against the hard wood. Before I can scurry to my feet I feel his hand grip a chunk of hair at the back of my skull, and my head is bashed against the ground repeatedly until everything turns black.

My eyes flutter open and I see him standing over me; zipping up his pants with a triumphant smile on his face, "Don't worry next time you'll be awake."

I sit up and try to attack but my hands are cuffed against the railing again, "You try and escape and I'll hunt you down bitch!" He threatens before he jumps over the edge of the cart and sits up front; whipping the horses who whine before they start to trot.

As I look around the cart I see my underwear sitting in arms reach, along with the tares in what used to be my favourite purple dress.

No, no, no . . . No. I feel the helplessness take hold of my body although it quickly switches to rage as I bite back the tears. Anger was how I used to survive, and it was easier than letting in the pain.

I'm going to rip him apart and then I'm going to rip Monroe apart.

I try to get free of my cuffs again; although this time they're too tight. There's no way I can squeeze my hand free. Well then I guess I'll wait until he comes at me again before I rip his head off his shoulders.

It's night time when the cart stops on the side of the dirt road, but this time he doesn't bother walking around. He jumps straight over; landing on his feet beside me, "If you behave I won't hurt you," He is quick to undo his belt and zipper and I literally feel like I'm going to be ill.

"You're pathetic," I spit at his feet.

"Fine; we'll do it your way," he chuckles before he pulls a white cloth from behind his back. I can smell it already. I try to fight but he is persistent and forces the cloth against my face. The fumes are too strong and the darkness is quicker this time.


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IF anyone of you know a song about a liar that doesn't refer to cheating I would love to hear about it; that's all I could find.

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